Let’s talk about self care cookies! I’m not sure 2020 has been anyone’s favorite year so if you’re in need of a little cookie binge let my friend, Amber help you out! She’s the owner of Self Care Cookies where it’s okay (and recommended) to eat your feelings! Each month Amber comes up with a new cookie flavor, and sends them out in popcorn to customers who might need a little sweet and salty snack to get through! Hear how it all started, how you can get the cookies and our non-stop laughter on this episode!
Nov 24, 2020
18 min

It’s been years since I received my first piece of 'hate mail' from a listener and it still hurts! I remember every negative thing anyone has ever said about me on social media that they probably thought I would never see. Tomorrow, someone is going to lose. People will be grieving. Please extend grace and let’s finish 2020 together.
Nov 2, 2020
10 min

What is better for you mental health than a pet? Unconditional love and unlimited cuddling? Yes, please! This week, Lindsay Layendecker from Jax Humane joins me to help explain how pets helping us survive 2020 AND give us all the info about their new “Cutest Pet” Contest! Your dog could literally end up on a billboard, but you gotta move fast! Voting ends on the 30th!
Sep 28, 2020
15 min

Racking is BACK! 1st Place Sports has brought back races in Jacksonville and Running Coach/Territory Manager, Chris McCaffrey is back on the podcast with all the info! Plus, you know staying active right now is SO important (I know how hard it is to get going) and Chris has a 10-minute plan to get you moving!
Sep 21, 2020
29 min

It's been a year, so take 5 minutes and listen to 5 positive, incredible, stories of hope and perseverance! ‘Easy on the Heart’ is my feel-good segment in the mornings at 6a and 7a on Easy 102.9 that shows off the good going on right now! Enjoy 5 positive stories in 5 minutes!
Sep 14, 2020
5 min

What I've been most curious about through 2020 is just how people are doing in general. What did you learn about yourself during quarantine? What got you through? On this episode, I interviewed two of my favorite people in the world with polar opposite situations. First, I talked to one of my best friends, Alicia who quarantined solo like myself and we definitely leaned on each other for support. Then I talked to my sister who has 4 kids and is a teacher on how she got through virtual learning as a teacher AND parent simultaneously. Email me at [email protected] if you want to share your 2020 story!! I want to hear how you're doing!
Jun 29, 2020
21 min

We've all been quarantining and working from home and communication can be a bit strained. On this episode, Clint Padgett - CEO of Project Success Inc. and the ForbesBooks author of the upcoming book 'How Teams Triumph: Managing By Commitment' joined me to offer up some advice on how to keep your message clear via zoom!
Jun 15, 2020
22 min

With all the talk about a meat shortage, I wanted to really dig in and see how much protein you need. What I found is a mess of information that is all over the place! Jump down the protein rabbit hole with me and see if we come to the same conclusion.
Jun 8, 2020
12 min

Let’s erase some negative bickering on social media today with all the great, incredible, stories of hope and perseverance going on right now! ‘Easy on the Heart’ is my feel-good segment in the mornings at 6a and 7a on Easy 102.9 that shows off the good going on right now! Enjoy 10 positive stories to get you through the day!
May 18, 2020
8 min

Last year on my birthday, I set 9 goals for myself to accomplish and I hit 4.5 out of them... That's a fail! I'll admit some were very superficial and silly and others were probably just not attainable this year, but I'll go over all of it no matter how cringe-worthy it feels! Time to set new ones for my next year!
May 11, 2020
14 min
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