Chasing Barefoot Ultra Podcast

Chasing Barefoot Ultra

Dea Roney
An average runner chasing big distances. Not JUST about running barefoot. Are you starting to train for a 5k, 10k, marathon? Or just starting to run? This podcast is all about tuning into yourself and finding the path that works for YOU.
Recovering from a running slump
We all hit them, the dreaded running slump. But, how do we get past them?
Mar 1, 2022
24 min
Running to the conditions underfoot
It can be frustrating when we just want to go out for a nice long run but the ground is soft, slush, ice, etc. There is always something we are strengthening on a run, sometimes it just isn't our speed.
Jan 16, 2022
23 min
Facing our fears
It can be easy to assume that the brave that run in all these adventurous places never feared them... but that just might not be true. 
Jan 9, 2022
23 min
Incorporating Strength Training
I questioned if I needed to add in strength training when I started. At the time it felt like I needed to find my footing running first, before diving into adding in strength and cross training. 
Jan 2, 2022
23 min
A look back on 2021
A look back on running in 2021, and goals, beyond running times and distances, in 2022.
Dec 19, 2021
27 min
Running into the holidays
A winter running update and some thoughts as we run into the holidays (it is okay to miss a run or two).
Dec 12, 2021
22 min
Your goals are enough
It is that time of year, race sign up! It can be tough to watch everyone sign up for races, especially those on our dream list, and not feel a little like maybe we should skip our current goals and jump ahead, but it is important to remember that your goals are enough. You should never compare yourself to what someone else is doing, or feel like your goals just are not enough. They are. 
Dec 5, 2021
23 min
What do you think about on a run?
We have all probably been asked this before, but what do you think about on a run? When you're out there for hours on end? Are you diving deep looking for some inspiration, or tuning everything out?
Nov 28, 2021
19 min
Ultra marathon bucket list
Our dream races change and evolve as we discover new ones. This is my current list races, where I would like to start and where I want to get to. Including some I am not so sure I would try... unless of course I had the opportunity, then I don't think I could turn down the chance to set foot on those trails. What are some of your dream races? 
Nov 21, 2021
26 min
Why do you run?
Knowing why we run can push us through the slumps, or the cold mornings, or just add a boost to an already awesome run. Our reason why we run can change and evolve over time. It is important to define our why and to revisit it, redefine it as we change.
Nov 14, 2021
20 min
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