There are folks you meet that you instantly know you should pay attention to! You know they are going to offer you something positive in your life! Lauren is one of those people! Like many of us, life has been a road of ups and downs, and twists and turns! However, at some point in her life, she decided to take control and gain a new PERSPECTIVE and it is powerful!
This episode is one that everyone can relate to! For me, directly after speaking with Lauren, I found myself questioning my own thinking on certain topics and, more importantly, some of the things that I was saying to myself internally. What a powerful feeling to know that you are truly in control of your thoughts and reactions.
Grab a cup of tea, find a comfy spot and spend a few minutes with Lauren and see how you could apply more PERSPECTIVE to your life!
As always, a huge shoutout to Chad Hollister for allowing us to use his song LIFE as the start of the podcast. For more information or to listen to more of his music, please visit his website at:
To learn more about Lauren or follow her many projects:
Sep 17, 2022
36 min
So many young people are faced with difficult questions when they graduate from high school or college. Or, when they make the difficult decision that school may not be for them. In this episode, we chat with May Jackson, a long-time friend, who worked through those very decisions and decided to pack up her car and move across the country to chase a dream.
During the episode, we learn about a few of the experiences that May had that contributed to who she is today. Going through different adventures and experiences is what life is all about, but taking the time to really dive into what those experiences are teaching you takes them to a whole new level!
Now, years later, May fills us in on how those experiences contributed to who she is and the life she is living. When she told me that the word that best described her Character was was perfect!
Many thanks to Chad Hollister for allowing us to use such an incredible song called LIFE. Be sure to check out his music and support him by grabbing some music and seeing him live...which you will not regret!
This interview was done in 2020 during the pandemic. In recent conversations, May has discussed how sharing her story, along with many other things, has changed her and vaulted her into even more adventures! Stay tuned for an updated episode and Character Word!
Jul 14, 2022
49 min
The first Character Talks podcast is here! In this initial episode, I interviewed MYSELF! I wanted to share my original story in audio format. While I have mentioned the first time that I practiced forgiveness in the past, in this episode I dive a bit deeper.
Along with sharing my first Character Story, I also go into a bit more detail about what these podcasts are all about. We all have incredible stories of experiences that shaped who we are today...and I want to hear them...and so do a lot of folks!
I hope you enjoy the first episode! If you have an experience or adventure that you would like to share, please reach out to us! Episode 2 is already being edited and it is a good one!
Apr 24, 2020
21 min