Casualty Friday
Casualty Friday
Casualty Friday
via Podcasts
Loving This!
The three hosts are wonderful together and their shared experiences are a treasure trove of insight and guidance for those that want it. The podcast in general is fun to listen to for any fan of horror films and full of laughs. I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t love to hear Kane Hodder talk about himself...I mean...can he talk about anything else? This podcast is worth the listen and the time investment...highly recommended!
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Terror-ific Trio
Listening to Tiffany, Kane and Felissa talk shop and joke around with one another almost feels like you’re eavesdropping on the most interesting conversation happening at the next table of an incredibly fun horror convention. As icons of the genre, their insight and perspective on the film industry— from low-budget fright flicks to big Hollywood projects, is remarkably candid regardless of whether they are discussing the mundane or crucial aspects of making a movie. Their playful banter and personal stories are genuinely delightful, and it’s especially a good time when they have guests join them for an episode. The perfect podcast for horror nerds.
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Charlie Dillon
The Three Amigos of Horror!
I wouldn’t expect anything less from a podcast with Kane, Felissa, & Tiffany hosting. Every episode is full of interesting subjects that they are able to share multiple sides of with the audience. Some episodes have made my almost die from laughter and others have made me cry. Thanks for being so open & sharing the more personal aspects of your life with your audience. It means a lot.
Great show
Haven’t we heard this cult episode before???
A must!
A must for horror fans- all three of them are hysterical together and have great chemistry as co-hosts. Love you guys!
I love this podcast. It’s a must for horror fans!!
Papa's Grey Beard
Very unique podcast
I’ve listened to so many horror podcasts over the last years, but what I love most of all is hearing about horror films from an actor prospective. The 3 co-hosts have a great chemistry together. Thanks guys.
I’m a huge fan of all 3 of the hosts, and I love how they bring their own personal experiences in horror movie production to the conversation in every episode. I love listening to them along with various guests discuss all things horror! Producers, listen up! Keep this podcast going!!
Ground Control )'(
Love the unique take on horror
Found the podcast a couple weeks a ago and binged the whole thing. I find it really interesting to hear horror from people who are in it. Usually just listen to critics and fans about what they like, so it’s refreshing to get inside point of views. And the whole cast is real and personable.
Love it (just needs to be louder) can barely hear some episodes..
Love this pod but please turn the mics up
What a treat!
I tuned in for Felissa Rose (LOVE YOU!) but quickly fell in love with the whole cast. Listening to Kane's story has given me a deep respect for him and Tiffany's sharp wit keeps me giggling. All three make this a podcast you don't want to miss if you're a fan of the horror genre or just enjoy hearing behind-the-scenes stories.
Rob St.Clair
So much to love!!!
This is a podcast for all horror fans to enjoy! It is absolutely amazing!!!
Great Stories!
It’s great hearing from everyone on the podcast. My only regret is that during the Q and A folks ask so many bummer questions.
More please
Love this podcast. I listen every week when it comes out and watch it on YouTube. These three are great. Hope a season 2 comes.
AWESOME podcast!
These 3 are so much fun to listen to. They are such sweet people with great stories.
The perfect October treat!!!
This podcast is INCREDIBLE!!! An absolute treat to get to listen to these 3 talk shop and share personal stories from some true horror pros! PLEASE keep this podcast going and PLEASE make the episodes longer!!!!!
Terrific Trio of Terror
The years of experience, knowledge, behind the scene stories, and the love for the genre (and the ‘friends) makes CF the premier horror podcast. My love and respect for this cast is why I came. Their honesty and respect for one another and us is why I stay! Felissa, 😘 hope to see you again soon!-Chuck
Chuck Edwards
Killer podcast (pun intended)
Real and fun topics. Getting to know the people behind the horror icons is awesome.
Fun Filled and Absolutely Real
Absolutely love this podcast, its great hearing just unfiltered banter about a variety of subjects related to the horror genre from 3 major players in horror films. Never a dull moment and can get very personal at times, really adds humanism to a genre known for gore and violence and all have a wealth of experience and stories to tell!
Another great Fangoria Podcast
Hilarious and Fantastic.
The dynamic between these 3 is what I love the most. Their banter & personal experience in the industry is fantastic and insightful. I look so forward to this podcast. Only thing I could wish for is that the episodes were longer cause I love it so much.
Love this podcast
I absolutely love this podcast! I only wish it was a little longer :) I just love their conversations:)
Scream Queens Episode
How can you have a Scream Queen episode and not once even mention Linnea Quigley???
Three Horror Icons, One Great Podcast
Casualty Friday is a love story to the horror genre as only these three deviants could compose. Their friendship is palpable as we essentially eavesdrop on their off-the-cuff conversations about making movies. They share stories about Convention Life, their first gigs, the life of a working actor, dissecting the term Scream Queen, etc. And every episode ends with a twist! Fango, please hear my plea for a Season 2.
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Mr 26
Yes, just yes
Whoever decided at FANGO to give Felissa and Tiffany a podcast should get an extra bonus this year! These two ladies are not only wonderful, amazing women, but are beyond hilarious. Thank you FANGO for this podcast. Oh, and Kane is pretty cool too. ;)
Fun listen!
I was a big fan of horror when I was younger and listen to these folks remind me why. Horror genre houses a lot of terrific people and these 3 are great examples. Enjoyed the show!
Excellent work!
Love the show! You guys are awesome can’t wait to see your evolution 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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