"Step out of your comfort zone and dive into the world of discomfort with our thought-provoking podcast. Join us as we explore the intriguing intersection of growth, resilience, and self-discovery. From facing fears to embracing change, our engaging conversations and insightful interviews will challenge your perspectives and inspire personal transformation. Discover how discomfort can be a catalyst for success, innovation, and authentic living. Tune in to unlock the power of discomfort and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling life. Get ready to get uncomfortable and redefine your limits. It's time to thrive outside the comfort zone!
Sep 29, 2023
4 min

There are some tips that are important for getting to know someone better, no matter how well you know them already.
May 28, 2023
2 min

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. Here rathan speaks about the various mindsets and behaviour types and science behind the entire concept of mindset. By end of episode you will be able to understand and implement the strategies which can be more productive and analyse the mindset. Hosted by : Rathan Kanike
Sep 19, 2022
7 min

I have always been a dreamer. When I was a kid, I really believed that I could do anything. I was always setting my sights on the moon. I wanted to be an scientist, a actor, a musician , a founder of an influential brand… The list goes on!
I would never question how possible these dreams were, how realistic they were, whether one could juggle this many goals, let alone what anyone else would think of it!
If you want to see your dreams become reality, put it all on the line and chase after it with an unstoppable intensity. When people's lives are on the line they tend to succeed. Most of us give ourselves an easy option out, that's why we don't achieve what we want.
I want this child like faith to stay in my soul till the day I die. Because I know that if I stopped to worry about the chances of achieving any of my dreams, I would not be living the life of passion that I am so blessed to experience today. And I want to recapture this for anyone who is streaming this podcast.
Host: Rathan Kanike.
Mastering and mixing: Gravity & Co.
Production: Rathan Kanike
Jul 4, 2022
4 min

SEASON-01 EPISODE-02.mindfulness involves taking a non-judgmental approach and perfectionism involves critical self-evaluation, individuals high in perfectionism may struggle to achieve mindfulness and to practice it. So in this episode you'll understand more about perfection vs mindfulness with real life examples.
Mastering and mixing: Rathan Kanike.
Production: Gravity & Co
May 23, 2022
3 min

SEASON-01 EPISODE-01.The powerful method to bridge the gap between'I don't know' to 'I do Know'.
Host: Rathan Kanike,
Music: Spotify team.
Production: Gravity & Co
Apr 24, 2022
5 min

This podcast covers every detail about history’s deadliest modern conflict.The Russian and Ukrainian war. The podcast does not focus solely on the war perspective, as it also covers The strategies, government had to evacuate students, truths about false claims, Embassy action on senerio, Russia and Ukraine actually scenes. HRITHICK also takes a deep look at all the people involved, and how they came to rescue.This podcast is brought to you by Cast with KSR, Ft. HRITHICK
Mar 7, 2022
29 min

Episode-03, past, present and future series. When you find yourself worrying about a future event because you are picturing a negative outcome, you are, in effect, saying, “I can predict the future.” But, the fact is, you can't, and you are worried about what may happen, not what will happen. Worry itself serves no purpose unless it spurs a plan of action.Hosted by : Rathan Kanike, Music: Team Cast with KSR, Sponsored by TEXT ACADEMY Banglore, Production house:Kanike Digipro
Feb 19, 2022
43 sec

Episode-02, Past Present Future series. Living in the present allows you to build a whole world that will then become your legacy. Living in the present implies being aware of each situation and finding our eternity in every single moment. Naive people spend their time looking at other places while standing on an island full of life opportunities. Host: Rathan Kanike, Music and Mixing: Spotify Team, Production: KANIKE Digipro, Sponsored: TEXT ACADEMY Banglore,
Feb 12, 2022
1 min

Episode 1, Sometimes we all need a gentle reminder that the past is in the past. And to not let it affect the here and now.
Whilst some people believe that you should never look back, others believe that our past experiences can be great fuel for our desired futures.
Either way, the past is in the past. Take what you can from it and if it doesn’t serve you well, then acknowledge that and move on.
Host: Rathan Kanike. Production: Text Academy& Kanike Digipro. Music: Spotify Team.
Feb 6, 2022
1 min
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