Canadian Prepper Podcast
Canadian Prepper Podcast
Canadian Prepper Podcast
Tools for the Apocalypse
46 minutes Posted Jul 25, 2019 at 2:21 pm.
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T-shirts now available!


Alan -


tornado warnings in SWO last week, I saw all the markings of a tornado on Friday and Saturday with different storm fronts. Cool and terrifying at the same time

  • Two BC teens who were originally reported as missing persons are now suspects in multiple homicides

Most people in BC not prepared for earthquakes….

  • Advocates for emergency preparedness say the latest spate of earthquakes off the coast of B.C. and in California has spurred some people to get serious about making emergency kits and plans.


Calgary slashes emergency services, transit, affordable housing in $60M budget cuts

  • Lower disaster preparedness at the emergency management agency.


Alan - We record these shows on Youtube live chats.  If you want an early peek at the shows, please subscribe to the YouTube channel “Canadian Prepper Podcast“, and click the notifications tab.  That gives you alerts when we are going live. You can contact me directly on Instagram, @ PPSWO


Andrew -  The other CPP.


Ian - You can reach Ian directly, by emailing me at . 

Eric – Please  check out Rapid Survival and get me there on live chat while buying some prepper gear, or you can also email me at (while still buying prepper gear at Rapid Survival)


Eric - Thanks for joining us, and tune in for the next episode, 


Building an individual First Aid Kit (IFAK).