It's the most wonderful time of the year! Join us as we review some negative reviews and share quite possibly the best managers response in the history of managers responses.
Do you love Christmas or f***ing loathe it? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're a boomer and looking for something to do that isn't sharing baseless conspiracy theories then you can like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager
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Dec 21, 2020
43 min

Remember in the before times when you could go away on an airplane? Jordan and Joey remember and discuss the joys of air travel in episode 3 of season 2.
Where are you going when this god damned pandemic is over? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're a boomer and looking for something to do that isn't sharing baseless conspiracy theories then you can like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Dec 14, 2020
25 min

Do you like paying through the arse for snacks? Do you enjoy the fetid stench of urine? Then you're in luck as season 2 continues with service stations!
I can't believe I'm about to go full Alan Partridge here, but what's your favourite service station? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're a boomer and looking for something to do that isn't sharing baseless conspiracy theories then you can like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Dec 7, 2020
33 min

Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any worse! Jordan and Joey have returned to save the day via the medium of podcast gold. In the first episode of season 2 we will be delving into the Karen goldmine that is softplay areas!
Are you a parent with any softplay drama you want to share? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're a boomer and looking for something to do that isn't sharing baseless conspiracy theories then you can like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Nov 30, 2020
40 min

Being single in 2018 is tough. Before wading back into the swamp of online dating Jordan and Joey look at the worst reviews of dating apps to see if it's all worth it?
What dating app works best for you? Do you have any dating app stories to share? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're one of the 17 people left on Facebook like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Sep 25, 2018
30 min

We're back from a couple of weeks off for summer, and what better way to celebrate the end of summer? Shopping! We ruminate over some 1 star reviews of some shopping and the stores within in episode 6 of "Can I Speak To Your Manager?".
Apologies for the audio, the program crashed at the end of recording and we thought we'd lost everything, we managed to recover it but the audio quality sucks cheesy wang.
Do you like to treat yo self? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're one of the 17 people left on Facebook like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Sep 13, 2018
25 min

The format goes out the window in record time this week. "Let's do female reboots" we said but as we recorded it became more female-centric films. Controversial? Unfortunately. Listen in on this weeks 'Can I Speak To Your Manager' as we delve into some 1 star reviews, written by stupid idiots.
Do you find women offensive? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're one of the 17 people left on Facebook like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Aug 17, 2018
21 min

This week we look into 1 star reviews of animal parks, zoos and places where animals are confined to cages. Think Jurassic Park, but for present day animals. With us? Good.
Have you been pooped on by exotic birds, or did you decide on a family trip in adverse weather? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour , or if you're one of the 17 people left on Facebook like us at Facebook.com/canispeaktoyourmanager !
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Aug 11, 2018
26 min

Queues, puke, overpriced souvenirs - whats not to love about theme parks? Joey and Jordan bring some one star reviews of theme parks to unpack. Short episode this week as again, the audio Gremlins strike and ruin half of our recording. Pro tip - never use Audacity!
Have you had any bad experiences at a theme park? Let us know on twitter at twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at instagram.com/canispeaktoyour
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Aug 2, 2018
15 min

Musicals! We all love them, don't we? Apparently not as Jordan and Joey discover in this weeks edition of 'Can I Speak To Your Manager' as they dissect a sampling of one star reviews of musicals.
What are your thoughts? Let us know on twitter at https://twitter.com/canispeaktoyour or follow us on Insta at http://instagram.com/canispeaktoyour
Don't forget to leave us a 5 star review wherever your find your podcasts.
Jul 27, 2018
26 min
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