Called to Belong Podcast

Called to Belong

Megan Strunk and Rebecca Henry
Welcome to the Called to Belong Podcast, We are God’s chosen people, His special possession, called out of darkness into His wonderful light.
Finding Rest with Elisabeth Penner
Welcome Elisabeth Penner to the podcast where she talks about making friends in college and finding rest in God.
Dec 9, 2021
18 min
Learning to Tame Your Tongue With Abbie Henry (episode 2)
Welcome Abbie Henry to the podcast where we talk about taming the tongue, advice for college students and Thanksgiving!
Nov 24, 2021
24 min
Welcome to our Podcast (episode 1)
Meeting hosts Becca and Megan as they introduce the podcast talking about how they met and answering what word God is teaching them right now.
Nov 18, 2021
13 min