Call Your Mother
Call Your Mother
A Mother, Not a Hero
29 minutes Posted May 14, 2019 at 8:49 am.
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Writer Carla Steckman talks to Jordana and Shannon about losing her not-yet 2-year-old daughter, Talia, to Tay-Sachs Disease, “extreme parenting,” and what we can learn from our own children. Jordana and Shannon catch up after the podcast’s hiatus, about pregnancy (Shannon’s) and escape (Jordana’s).

Music: "Voicemail" by Khronos Beats "Valantis" by Blue Dot Sessions "Outsider's Paradox" by Springtide "Best I Can" by Jasmine Jordan ft. Habit Blcx

Mentioned in this episode: -Learn more about Tay-Sachs and what you can do to help families facing genetic diseases at the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association (Carla is on its board), which is leading the fight to cure Tay-Sachs and other genetic diseases at -Ashkenazi Jews in particular, but truly all couples, are encouraged to do genetic screening before having children (as Carla did). You can learn more about what you can and should do at -Carla is at work on a memoir about her experience parenting Talia. You can read more of her work at and