Brian and Aaron return for another Christmas special to talk about... Well, pretty much everything other than Christmas. Expect Star Wars, Ant-Man, Twitter, and more.
Dec 19, 2014
1 hr 26 min

Aaron and Brian return for a Christmas miracle and record a podcast for their loyal 5 listeners who message them every now and then asking if we'll ever do another one. They talk about Morrissey, Police Academy, and Buffalo. Music (as always) provided by The Tastydactyls, because it wouldn't be the same otherwise.
Dec 25, 2013
1 hr 50 min

It wouldn't be a Cabin Fever episode without some technical difficulties so we decided to start the show with some vintage us. From there we roll into some crazy sexy cool talk and then the return of one of our most popular segments: The Taste Test! This time we get to try some delicacies from Utah.
Aug 16, 2012
1 hr 26 min

After last week's episode our cabin boys went off on a mini 90s nostalgia odyssey, as is their wont. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on your point of view) the nonsense was recorded, and since Aaron is away watching football and drinking his bodyweight in cider over in Poland, you get this in lieu of a proper episode. You're welcome/We're sorry.
Jul 4, 2012
1 hr 6 min

Aaron and pHitzy start off trying to make a proper episode, but get sidetracked early on this week as they recall their mutual crush on a particular pocket-sized songstress. Lots of bad singing and pining ensues. You have been warned.
Jul 4, 2012
1 hr 7 min

The cabin dwellers go for a low-key episode this week, filled with idle banter about hipsters, social media, Instagram and horse c***. It's all very pleasant and understated... the episode, you understand, not the horse c***.
Apr 18, 2012
1 hr 12 min

This week the cabin dwellers are joined by their favourite hunk of man meat - the one, the only... Blake James Rawlings! They chat, they laugh, they swoon, and then they swoon some more. Music is provided by Blake's awesome new band, Brothers Or Not.
Apr 7, 2012
1 hr 16 min

This week the lads discuss a comparison made by their good friend JJ Hawkins, wondering if they really are "The Ramones of podcasting", Aaron gets introduced to the wonder that is Terry Crews' Old Spice adverts, and the two marvel at the act of sponge-eating. Music this week is provided by Aaron's band from another dimension, The Outline.
Mar 28, 2012
1 hr 6 min

The boys try to recuperate after St. Patrick's day with tales of strange calls and query the kids of today. Seriously, we sound like old men at certain points. Also old women, but that's another story entirely.
Mar 22, 2012
1 hr 19 min

Our cabin dwellers settle down to watch some football and have a conversation about Muppets, rhino horns, and giraffe tongues. It all gets very Dr. Doolittle. Music is provided by the awesome Brothers Or Not, fronted by friend of the show and sexy beast Blake Rawlings.
Mar 7, 2012
1 hr 13 min
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