Business of Sports: NFL Business Podcast
Business of Sports: NFL Business Podcast
NFL Business
via Podcasts
Unique Pod
Andrew offers a unique confluence of business IQ, legal IQ, and football IQ!
A Podcast that delivers!
This show is a 5-star podcast. Tremendous inside information. Thoughts from someone who has lived and worked in the arena. Opinions based on lived experiences. You cannot get type of podcast anywhere else. Andrew is candid, humble,
Smart and informative. From Tommy Cutlets to Ohtani, he analyzes the pertinent sports biz issues in enlightening fashion.
J Fedotin
Awesome perspective. Love this dose of rationalizing the business every week.
The Business of Sports - Outstanding!
Andrew Brandt does an exemplary job on this podcast. He gives a different perspective than what is typically heard as he dives deep into the business side of sports. Very insightful analysis of contracts and other business-oriented topics in the sports world. Andrew - not sure if you will see this, but one thing that might be a nice addition is for you to bring on folks from time to time to interview. I think that would be interesting hearing conversations of you with current agents, team management, sports media folks, etc. Great work on the show! This is must listening for me each week!!!
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Informative and entertaining.
Much more informative, objective, & entertaining than other sports podcasters.
Fast Eddie 92663
Great for those who want to learn the business side.
Admittedly, I’m not the most business-savvy person. Andrew’s insights into the business side of the NFL and other sports have taught me a lot. I’d strongly recommend this podcast to anyone who wants to learn about the business side of sports.
Love the show but…
…turn up your mic! Bumper music and ads are 3 times as loud. Especially difficult since your cadence tends to soften as you end a thought. Great insight and perspective. Thank you
Volume too low
Please turn up the volume on your mic
Great content but bad audio
Not sure what happened but audio quality is bad and I can barely hear him. I crank the volume up and still not good.
Sam I am; I am sam
Amazing Sports/NFL podcast
I have to credit @rosstuckernfl for introducing Andrew’s podcast to me. Andrew is correct: you are not going to find anywhere else the analysis and commentary he provides. Really interesting. Andrew is just brimming with experience and insight. And like Ross’ podcast, nice and concise- within 30 minutes.
Used to be my favorite podcast
I have been a regular listener for a long time. I love the business side of sports and Andrew Brandt has a unique perspective. Unfortunately, as he has gotten more popular he has been more difficult to listen to. So much more about “I am so amazing” and pronation of his son being the show “music”. At first my biggest gripe was the way he started every show with “Hello boys and girls”. Boys and girls? Seriously? I always skip the first 30 seconds to avoid that. Recent episode he spent the first 1/2 of the show talking about how often people say they can’t believe he is 63 years old. He is in such great shape and looks so young 🤢. He says he doesn’t care - just wanted to talk about “age is just a number”. Whatever. I will still check in time to time based on topic - but it feels like Andrew is talking down to the audience and has put himself on a pedestal. He doesn’t come across as a guy I would love to grab a beer with anymore.
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Business of Sports
Topical, entertaining, informative and well produced.
Terrible Audio
Love the content, but please fix your audio. It’s not professional. Sounds like you are on a conference call and 10 feet from the microphone. Please fix your audio and invest in a good microphone like other podcasters.
Progressive Politics Ruins the Podcast
I’ve listened to a number of episodes and can’t take it anymore. Progressive politics infects the show way too often. I’m out.
I previously only listen to sports betting podcasts, and I don’t really know how I stumbled onto this one but it is truly fascinating. Very informative and entertaining and as soon as it’s over I can’t wait for the next!
Intelligent, variety, unique
I have listened to every podcast and really appreciate the content and Andrew’s take on the issues. It is a different angle on sports that I have come to expect in my podcast feed. Thank you Andrew!
One of a kind podcast
Andrew gives us an in-depth look at the business of sports that no one else can. Great perspective that can’t be found anywhere else.
F. A. Hayek
Tyler Bridges
Great interview. Cannot believe the work he out into the book. Fascinating.
Absolute garbage, don’t waste your time
Always informative
Great show! I always learn something and Andrew is always interesting. I look forward to every episode.
Great inside analysis
Grew up wanting to be a GM, unfortunately didn’t happen. Andrew Brandt makes me feel like I’m in the loop with all things sports business! Love this pod
Not Business
I just listened and basically all they talk about is “the greater good” and how you should always do things that help not the greater good not your own narcissistic(not my word) reasons. We live in a capitalist country on its home turf and it’s assumed you are to act in your own self interest and that acting this way is okay and does benefit the greater good. So when they aren’t brow beating you with the greater good talk they talk about Race & Gender Equity. I haven’t ever listened to one episode without talk about the Rooney Rule and about helping minorities and women. Much more akin to a Civics lesson than a Busineas of Sports Poscast. Tl;dr I came for info on the nfl cap and I got a Scott Pioli lecture on Race.
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Business of football
Football is all he talks about other than shilling for gambling outfits. Hardly “business of sports”.
A refreshing perspective
May rant a little too much at times but always offers a different perspective and even when he’s off, the logic is quite sound and at least it’s different from some of the other basic takes we are used to from around the NFL
An outstanding podcast, I particularly like when Joe Banner is a guest because these are two sharp cookies. In my estimation, it’s about as close as one can get to understanding the rationale behind front office decisions from people who made them, as opposed to the screaming blathering idiots on TV who know little but act like they know much.
mark h orioles
Stunned by thoughtless comments
An agent who can make heartless statements about a recently deceased player such as “He was a guy living to be dead" may not be the best agent. Perhaps a different perspective from a different source would be more helpful. I’ll choose to get my information elsewhere now.
#1 Steeler Fan
Andrew is quickly becoming the conscience of pro sports business. He brings integrity that is so often missing in journalists who play the access game.
Joe Banner
Love the podcast. The episode with Joe Banner was excellent. Makes me wonder where the NFL is headed without the likes of Banner, Poulian etc.
Djokovic Episode
Andrew, I enjoy the pod, but please stop interrupting the guest when they’re speaking.
funny is better than loud
Always informs and entertains!
Very insightful
Brandt knows his stuff
Danny B 6074
Downgraded rating
Have downgraded rating and deleting app. Has fallen in quality. Tiresome that he repeatedly toots his own horn and constant commercials don’t help. Has to mention Aaron Rodgers relationship about every podcast, gets really old and I’m a Packer fan.
Love the cast!!
Andrew, Pennsylvania will approve and NIL law this weekend with the state budget. Love the show. Joe
Joe Uliana
Can tell this dude is an educator
Effective communicator. Discusses topics from a depth of understanding not too many other podcast hosts can even sniff. His Rants episodes are quick and topical.
Amazing show, such a great communicator
This show is amazing. He explains things in a way that you will understand the business of sports no matter what your knowledge is of any sport. I check every day to see when he posts a new podcast. Also, subscribe to his news letter! Full of great stuff! If you like sports then subscribe to this. It’s a no brainer. Side note- it’s great to outsmart your friends by dropping knowledge on them that you learn in this podcast! Keep it up Andrew!
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Really Interesting Show
I listened to Ross Tucker Football Podcast and always was interested in Andrew Brandt’s Wednesday sessions and was so interested in the business side. I am not sure why it took me so long to subscribe to this podcast. Listening to his perspective from the business side has really made me enjoy and think about football in a completely different way.
leper measiah
Real facts
I’m truly not sure there is anyone better at what he does . Super intelligent and incredibly insightful. Definite go-to podcast.
KJ03 44
What was about business in sports has become
more about covering stories with no business content whatsoever. Avoids the current news in favor of soft stories. Not worthy of a listen anymore. It’s a shame.
Fuzzy Bee
Unsubscribing After Years
Business of sports has become politics of sports- Brandt’s content used to be phenomenal, but lately it’s just become an audio job application for ESPN... His takes on sports business we’re intriguing and informative, but his takes on current politics and social activism are hollow and ignorant. His overuse of the *empathetic* “I get it” (with the softer voice and almost whinny tone) has become fingernails on a chalkboard. Inevitably it means whatever he’s talking about he has only a shallow understanding of and his opinion is based on emotional responses not facts. This used to be an intelligent escape from the stupidity of current events, but it’s become another contributor to them.
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Bomani Jones
Andrew, Thank you for your having Bomani Jones on your recent podcast. I hope the next time you have Bomani on, I hope both of you discuss the NCAA sharing their revenue for NIL, which the NCAA said that the universities should share their revenue but not them. I did listen to yourself and your colleague discuss the topic. However, I agree with Bomani with his assessment that the NCAA also needs to share their revenue as well. Of course they’ll try to have lawmakers create a law to keep their profits, but Bomani was and is the only person in media that demands the NCAA to share their revenue (half). And this makes so much sense, since the NCAA host ALL of the championships in college athletics. Please continue the great work. There’s not too many people like yourself that is a voice of reason and integrity in media. All the best. Joseph Hodge
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Not sure what happened to andrew
Used to view andrew as a voice of reason, but over the last several years I’ve developed a sense of him developing strong agendas - perhaps as his media personality has grown. It is disappointing to say the least. Also used to think he had a really strong sense of self-awareness (he is clearly very smart and accomplished), but over last few years he has become quite noticeably arrogant and full of himself. Andrew still offers good, strong content but it has become noticeably biased and agenda driven. Miss old Andrew...
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Cody - 8
Very biased
Presents himself as the smartest guy in the room and only books guests that are politically aligned with his ultra liberal views. He conducts “interviews” like infomercials, never challenges anything those in the left say no matter how ridiculous
This guy is clueless. Offers no value. Thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. Arrogant. Don’t waste one minute of your time.
The best insight out there
Wow. Andrew always knows what’s about to happen in the sports world before it happens. No sports topic is off limits with this Pod. Andrew isn’t afraid to tackle any issue & his honest but respectful comments are long overdue in the sports world, especially on controversial topics. Love the work Andrew.
Not everyone agrees with your political view. Keep politics out of sports.
Business of sports, not politics
Would be a great podcast of there wasn’t always some way found to slam the President and demonstrate a definite political bias. Had rnough to cause me to unsubscribe.
Not too smart
Ok Andrew, if you’re so smart who EXACTLY would you suspend on the Astros and for how long? I mean can you definitely say this player or that one took advantage of the cheating? And oh by the way you remember that thing called a players union or the fact that they were granted immunity from the commissioner if they agreed to divulge what went on. Not a smart take Andrew. And if you suspend them do you suspend each and every player on the roster even those now on other teams? Will never ever happen. Dream on.
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Today’s podcast on how to approach a position in any industry regardless of age was inspiring and spot on. I value all of Andrew’s time with us and most should enjoy the effort he puts into each episode. Bravo!!!
Chance Sanford
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