What is the secret to creating marketing content your audience wants?
"Not everything that happens at your company is newsworthy", says Ann Handley, a marketing and business writing expert.
The thing is:
☝️ Anyone can post anything online.
❌ But everyone doesn’t need to post everything online.
🆘 Because no one wants to see everything posted online.
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, I share with you the secret to creating marketing content your audience will want to receive.
Do you want to get this podcast episode in a written format?
Go here: https://bit.ly/3Z0TxGv
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Mar 22, 2023
18 min
Do you use Instagram Highlights at all? Or on your personal Instagram profile or on the company profile?
Whether you use them or not, I believe this episode is going to add great value to your Instagram marketing efforts.
My name is Susanna Rantanen and I welcome you back to the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast!
In this episode, you’ll learn about Instagram Highlights and how to leverage them in talent marketing. I’ll tell you about ten great ways to use them in your employer branding and recruitment marketing.
Find the written version of this podcast episode on my blog including all links and image examples provided for this episode:
🔗 https://bit.ly/3JkzVbG
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Mar 15, 2023
18 min
In this week's episode I share with you four basic SEO tactics for content creators on TikTok.
SEO on TikTok is the new thing for social media content creators. Adapting to SEO will help boost your reach on this platform in 2023 and beyond.
If you want to grow your talent or client audience on social media, your most important goal is to grow your reach. Reach is obligatory to get your content in front of your audiences, both existing and relevant non-followers. Search engine optimizing your content is a great way to grow reach.
Find the episode transcript, all links mentioned and additional visual content on the blog linked below.
🔗 https://bit.ly/3ygTH1w
If the app you use does not support links, go to modernemployerbrand.com and tap on the podcast episodes link top of page.
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Mar 8, 2023
25 min
Instagram SEO, search engine optimization for your Instagram posts, is one of the latest developments in social media content creation.
In this episode, you’ll learn about Instagram SEO and why that matters to you as a content creator on Instagram.
You want to learn about Instagram SEO because, in 2023 and beyond, it will help boost your visibility and reach on this platform. If you want to grow your talent or client audience on social media, your most important goal is to grow your reach. Reach is obligatory to get your content in front of your audiences, both existing and relevant non-followers.
Using search engine optimisation effectively on Instagram will help you to grow organic Instagram reach.
My name is Susanna Rantanen, and this podcast is for those who want to learn how to use branding, marketing and communications in the HR industry!
Find the transcript and links mentioned in this episode on modernemployerbrand.com/podcast131
🔗 https://bit.ly/3ZEWf5x
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Mar 1, 2023
32 min
High-quality content is far more important than the quantity of content shared with your audiences. If you don't have a lot of time to invest in content creation, invest more time in the quality and simply post less.
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, we talk about high-quality content, and I share eight tips to increase the quality of the content you produce and share with your audiences.
Check out for the transcript of this episode on my blog:
🔗 https://bit.ly/3XHbVDE
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Feb 22, 2023
21 min
A headline is the first impression you get when you give that content a nanosecond of your precious time.
When you select and copywrite your headline, think about the first impression you need it to create in the audience you want to capture.
This is more important than you may imagine because, quite literally, the headline means success or failure.
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, we’ll continue with last week’s topic of copywriting for HR and talk about how to copywrite headlines that help your messages and content win attention.
Find the transcript of the podcast audio on my blog:
🔗 https://bit.ly/3DW2VUn
📩 GET EXCLUSIVE TIPS & IDEAS for branding, marketing and communications from me weekly when you subscribe to my weekly email here: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 CONNECT WITH ME on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for more branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry! And hey, networking!
👩🎓 LOOKING FOR A MARKETING COACH specialising in branding, marketing and communications for HR Industry professionals? 🙋🏻♀️ That's me! 👉 www.rantanensusanna.com for more info.
Feb 15, 2023
19 min
As someone who uses written or spoken words to inform and impact your talent target audiences, sharpening your copywriting and content marketing skills is an important development area.
I’ve said this before, no amount of marketing budget will succeed in getting your audiences to act on your talent marketing messages if your messaging fails.
In this episode, we will focus on my favourite area of the entire talent branding, marketing and communications mix: copywriting. This is copywriting for HR.
Find the written version of this episode on the www.modernemployerbrand.com website:
🔗 https://bit.ly/3HvLmvh
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Feb 8, 2023
24 min
What social media trends 2023 should we go for in talent marketing this year?
Each year I go through the social media trend analysis’ from various trustworthy sources and curate my findings for us talent marketers working in employer branding and recruitment marketing with employees and job seekers as our target audiences.
It’s time to learn about the key social media predictions for 2023!
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, we will dig into what I believe will most likely be the hottest social media trends in HR marketing this year.
I curated ten social media trends 2023 for you that I recommend you keep an eye on, learn more about and implement into your talent marketing plans this year to grow your overall talent marketing impact and get more out of the investment and resources allocated to both employer branding and talent marketing.
🔗 https://bit.ly/3DiOiKe
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, Tiktok and YouTube for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for HR Industry professionals!
Feb 1, 2023
20 min
Short-form video content is rising rapidly in popularity.
There are probably quite a few reasons, but the most obvious ones are the huge amount of content available and the little time we have [as viewers] to consume it all.
Videos can be much more engaging than written text and impact us better on an emotional level than pictures.
In this week’s episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, we’ll discuss why short-form videos have become so popular, what types of short-form videos are popular, how your talent marketing can benefit from short videos, and I’ll also share three very simple ideas for your short-form video content creation.
Find the transcription and links mentioned in this episode here:
🔗 https://bit.ly/3Hl9SiL
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram, Tiktok and YouTube for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
Jan 25, 2023
23 min
Instagram can be an excellent platform for recruiters if you are interested in advancing your career and success as a recruiter.
You want to think about how to use this platform to brand yourself as a recruiter worth following and paying attention to instead of using it to search for potential candidates.
This change in your mindset is required when you want to drive your own career and elevate your chances of succeeding in your recruitment projects.
So, you need to stop being a silent matchmaker and become a matchmaking magnet who attracts candidates towards you and the career opportunities you represent.
In this week’s episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, I talk about the best way to use Instagram for recruiters.
I’ll share some ideas, suggestions and tips on how you can leverage Instagram as a recruiter and recommend you five career influencers on Instagram to follow and use as a source of inspiration.
Find all links & show notes on my blog here:
🔗 https://bit.ly/3ITyIsb
📩 Subscribe to my weekly email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM
💟 Find me @rantanensusanna on Instagram and Tiktok, and as Susanna Rantanen on LinkedIn for branding, marketing and communications tips and content for the HR Industry!
👩🏻💻 Want me as your branding, marketing & communications coach?
Go to https://www.rantanensusanna.com and join the waiting list "The Queue" to get started!
Jan 18, 2023
24 min
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