Travis Makes Friends
Travis Makes Friends
Travis Chappell
Travis Makes Friends
Travis Chappell
As the world goes more virtual, it’s more and more difficult to keep making friends as adults —especially if you want friends who will bring energy to your life instead of drain it, friends with whom you can be honest, friends who have your best interest at heart, and ultimately, friends who turn you into a better version of yourself. If you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with, then making friends is the number one self-development activity you can master. After 800 episodes of the top-rated business podcast Build Your Network, Travis Chappell learned that networking is really the same thing as just making friends with people. In this newly rebranded show, Travis Makes Friends, it’s Travis’ goal to simply give listeners like you a chance to get to know world-class performers who can help you become a better version of yourself and share his connection secrets in the process. If you want friends that push you to be better, then subscribe to the show and join Travis as he has conversations with world-class athletes like Shaquille O’Neal, entertainers like Rob Dyrdek, authors like Dr. Nicole LePera, former presidents like Vicente Fox, or even the occasional FBI hostage negotiator, billionaire real estate mogul, polarizing political figure, or controversial social media influencer. It’s time to stop networking and start making better friends.
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a month ago
April 22
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