Rolonda Johnson has many titles such as Mom, Wife, Boss, Owner and many others that she stands proudly for and on this episode we get a chance to hear the details of her trails and tribulations through her industry as what she describes as a "Double Minority". We talk franchising, real estate, and even personal equity. Rolanda graces the guys with great energy and a ton of useful insight on what it is to be a boss and an owner (Owner of 11 Papa John establishments throughout the north east coast). Enjoy the laugh-filled conversation dedicated to Rolanda Johnson and Black Women Owners everywhere!
Aug 20, 2020
59 min
Brian Hinds is a renown real estate investment director and leader in commercial and real estate growth. For our second episode, we invited Brian to share his story and lavish career of journeying from plans of being a CPA to becoming the Vice President of one of the world's largest professional communities at Bridge Investment Group. Enjoy a friendly conversation about growth, economic endurance and the ups and downs of the real estate market.
Visit the company Brian Hinds is Founder of!
Aug 12, 2020
53 min
Just.US presents "Build Our Own" Podcast Series and for our Very First Episode, we invited an education professional to the Just.US Table to talk about the current state of affairs in the world regarding education. We were lucky to have the talented Dr. Michelle Shelton join us and enlighten the team about the many areas of expertise she has accumulated and what her journey has taught her. Tune in and get a world of knowledge & a few laughs.
Video coverage will be available on Youtube y August 11th!
Jul 31, 2020
1 hr 24 min