Broken Podcast Podcast

Broken Podcast

Hannah Mirmiran
Broken is a weekly conversation co-hosted between therapists, Hannah Mirmiran and Alexa Theisen. Hannah and Alexa discuss everything that's broken in the world today: relationships, honesty, marriage, communication, dating, trust, sex, consent, politics, respect, and people. The issues, the psychology behind what's broken, and ideas about how to both repair things, and to find the beauty in the broken.
Episode 45: Breaking Down Anger and Aggression: An Interview with 8 year-old Daniel Mirmiran
In this episode Hannah and Alexa interview Hannah's 8 year-old son Daniel Mirmiran. Daniel wanted to come on the show to talk about anger and aggression. He talks about how he's learned to express anger in healthy ways. 
Nov 17, 2019
37 min
Episode 44: Gratitude
On this episode Alexa and Hannah talk about gratitude and how incorporating a practice of gratitude can improve relationships, mental health and life.
Nov 11, 2019
31 min
Episode 43:  Manifesting and Breaking Down the Law of Attraction
Alexa and Hannah speak with Alicett (also known as "Bee"). Bee is a coach who works with people to manifest abundance & love by breaking through manifestation blocks. She has worked with thousands of clients to supercharge their manifesting power using her unique skills and intuition.  
Nov 5, 2019
38 min
Episode 42: Breaking Through Hypnosis
Hannah and Alexa interview Omaha hypnotist Clovis Colley.   In this episode, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is discussed and defined. Clovis, an Omaha hypnotherapist, talks about why hypnosis is useful and beneficial. Clovis is available for in-person and also virtual sessions. He can be reached at 402 393 0544 and at  
Oct 29, 2019
47 min
Episode 41: Break-Ups
In this episode Hannah and Alexa talk about break-ups.
Oct 21, 2019
35 min
Episode 40: Breaking Through Boundaries
Hannah and Alexa discuss boundaries. They educate listeners about types of boundaries and why they are important. Alexa also shares her engagement story. Hannah and Alexa practice at Omaha Psychotherapy. (402) 715-9710. omahapsychotherapy;com Thank you to everyone who has supported us on Patreon! If you haven't yet joined, please do so... Thank you for listening and for joining us!  
Oct 14, 2019
37 min
Episode 39: Why We Choose the People We Choose: Attachment
On this episode of Broken, Hannah and Alexa educate listeners about attachment theory. They break down the concept of attachment and explain how we each typically attract and hook with others. They discuss a book/helpful resource: Attached   Thank you to everyone who has supported the podcast so far! If you haven't yet added your support, please do so here:   Hannah and Alexa practice at Omaha Psychotherapy. (402) 710-9715.  
Oct 8, 2019
29 min
Episode 38: Childhood Trauma, an interview with Chris Pilcher
On this episode, co-hosts Hannah Mirmiran and Alexa Theisen interview trauma expert, therapist, and survivor, Chris Pilcher. Chris shares her personal story of surviving childhood trauma. She also provides helpful information about trauma and how people can recover and find strength. Hannah, Alexa, and Chris all practice at Omaha Psychotherapy. 402-715-9710 Please join us on patreon! Thank you to everyone who has contributed!
Sep 30, 2019
51 min
Episode 37: Keep Coming Back, an interview with Omar Pinto
On this episode, Alexa and Hannah interview Omar Pinto. Omar Pinto is a Life Transformation Coach, Addiction Recovery Specialist and Lifestyle Entrepreneur. He hosts a popular and awesome podcast called Recovery Revolution Omar can be found at On this episode Omar shares his personal story and all that he's learned along the way. Thank you so much to Omar for sharing your story and wisdom. Thank you for keeping coming back and for joining us.  Hannah and Alexa practice at Omaha Psychotherapy.  (402) 710-9715 If you haven't joined us on patreon yet, please join us!
Sep 23, 2019
1 hr 39 min
Episode 36: Forgiveness: Breaking Through Resentment
On this episode, Alexa and Hannah talk about forgiveness. They walk listeners through a step-by-step model of how to forgive. They also educate listeners about why forgiving others is good for our health and our well-being. Thank you for listening! If you'd like to add your voice and join us, please go to and contribute!  Thank you so much to those of you who've joined us so far. Hannah and Alexa both practice at Omaha Psychotherapy. (402) 715-9710
Sep 16, 2019
31 min
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