Mama Da' still reigns supreme, Tiffany is now worse than Victor and Paul and Jozea were COMBINED earlier in the season somehow. WORST. *hair flip* *whip crack noise due to hair flip*
Jul 21, 2016
6 min
I fell asleep halfway through this on Sunday and it is now Wednesday and the current episode is airing and it's 8:30 so yeah pls do enjoy xo
Jul 21, 2016
7 min
Also I said Paul instead of Paulie at one point and forgot to mention Paulie won HoH and because of that Frank is safe. UGH BRUHHHHHH sorry k love you bye xo
Jul 18, 2016
7 min
With Bridgette as HoH, will she make any crazy moves? Probably not, but let's play a fun game called 'WOW FRANK SERIOUSLY JUST GO HOME'! Fun times!! Noms + Roadkill nominations are discussed as well as Nicole's incident with a glass of water.
Jul 11, 2016
6 min
Quickie for the Week 2 eviction, Week 3 is on and rolling!! Will Victor still be the worst? CAN HE BE THE WORST IF HE'S EVICTED TONIGHT? Will be difficult, Week 3 should let us know...Stay tuned!
Jul 11, 2016
4 min
Will the Power of Friendship (possible tm?) save Victor or Paul from elimination this week? It's one or the other. LET'S FIND OUT!
Jul 8, 2016
6 min
4th of July Festivities = double whammy episode. Is Jozea still the Messiah of the house or is he the first eviction of the summer and the Messiah of sequester? LET'S FIND OUT!
Jul 6, 2016
8 min
Wherein I discuss why Paul sucking on a pickle isn't the best look and I try (and fail) to make a hawk noise. Last Episode before the first ~real~ eviction of the summer!
Jun 30, 2016
9 min
Is Jozea still THE WORST? Will Paul turn out to be? We also learn what the next big TWIST~~ is for the Summer in the BB Roadkill challenge. Who wins? What's the outcome? PLS DO ENJOY AND FIND OUT
Jun 29, 2016
8 min
The second night of the Big Brother 18 premiere, the Freakazoids have to battle against each other to see who will go home and who will become HoH, and we find out who the HoH nominates for the first (real) eviction of the summer!
Jun 24, 2016
8 min
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