Breakfast Quest
Breakfast Quest
Nick Amadeus and Lars Casteen
via Podcasts
Great idea, but...
I love the idea of this show, but listening to anyone eat or chew is one of the most annoying noises I can think of. I couldn’t make it through a whole episode because of the cereal munching and, in particular, the hosts attempting to converse while eating. I understand the aspect of including this aspect, given that it was synonymous with watching Saturday morning cartoons as children, but the actual sound is maddening. Sorry, guys. Can’t handle it.
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So good! I need another bowl!
I’m craving more of this podcast. It brings me down memory lane while being extremely entertaining.
Danny Freeman
My only complaint... that they have stopped making episodes for the foreseeable future.
Toxic Listener
Wow great podcast!
So I'm a little behind. But wow, this is a great podcast.
Funny, entertaining!
Nick, Lars and their breakfast guests bring a funny and insightful on children's programming and breakfast cereal. Sound like an unusual podcast? It is but these guys make it work and make it great. I am about 16 episodes in and these guys keep getting better.
One of the best
Being a child of the 80s and 90s, so much of this show is familiar. Vague memories of poorly drawn superheroes and movie tie-in cereals are resurrected and swiftly dismembered by Lars and Nick. I'm glad they do the viewing so I don't have to. And if they are willing to put themselves through something like "Tragedy-cember" you really should be listening. I look forward every bi-week to carving out an hour or so for this show.
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The Real Shaq
I listen to many podcasts about "The Good Old Days", but this one is different. They look at things from a realistic, objective point of view. And that's very refreshing. Oh yeah, and it's HILARIOUS! Breakfast Quest is my King of Podcasts.
I adore this podcast!
I recently discovered Breakfast Quest and fell in love with it immediately. I'm currently going through and listening to all of the old episodes, and none of them disappoint. The show has a sort of comforting tone and format, covering a wide variety of lost, strange, or forgotten children's shows with the goal of teasing out their lessons for us, the listeners, with a sense of humor that I find incredibly funny and appealing. I definitely recommend giving this show a listen if you like podcasts that simultaneously describe and analyze pieces of media and food items with a generous helping of entertaining tangents thrown in.
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Hipsters watching cartoons...still pretty good.
It's a nostalgic look back at kid shows and eating cereal. Two of my favorite things. Some of the guests can be pompous but overall I really like the show. Thought about giving a 4/5 but I've listened to multiple episodes so I guess I have to give it a 5.
This show is funny for reals! It turns out everything you loved on TV as a kid is *extremely* weird if you try to comprehend it with your adult brain. And Lars and Nick have a nearly bottomless well of enthusiasm and good humor for doing so. (Another takeaway: those sugary cereals your parents would only buy on vacation? Still tremendously delicious.) Gentlemen, may you find lifetime employment in the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
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All my work now means something
This podcast is wonderful. A delight. Smart and insightful. And handsome. Rate it 5 stars, it is great, free entertainment. I'll tell you this much, it's cheaper to listen to Nick and Lars than to license children's properties from other countries and bring them to America (just barely, lol). Nice show guys.😀😀😀😗😗
Haim Saban
Great podcast
Hilarious podcast, I listen to it everyday when I commute to work. If you like remembering old shows from your past as well as becoming an expert on breakfast cereal this is the podcast for you. Five stars all around!
It's funny, guys!
One of my favorite things about every other weekend!
Podcast Listener Forever
What a Podcast, What a Life!
Boy this podcast is great. What a great idea and so fun to listen to. I hope I never grow up.
Lars & Nick: Kids' TV Lesson Sleuths
Love this podcast, where the hosts dissect some of the most awesome/ridiculous/bafflingkids' TV ever made. They eat cereal, try to explain what they watched, chat with their guests. A great show, can't wait to see what they do next!
Childhood Nostalgia, One Cereal Bowl At A Time
When I stumbled across the Breakfast Quest, I was unsure if I could squeeze another podcast into my weekly rotation -- even one that only airs twice a month and has nothing to do with gaming. But Lars and Nick's comical mockery of incompetent cartoons rekindled the nostalgia I have for "so bad it's good" Saturday morning programming (i.e., any Nickelodeon show during the '90s), to the point that I marathoned all 14 episodes available at the time in one weekend. The back-and-forth humor rouses interest in the shows chosen, as the duo scrutinize the bad writing and barbaric acting that our kid minds were too underdeveloped to judge. From "My Little Pony" to "Silverhawks," Nick and Lars cover it all. Five out of five stars for the bargain bin cereal choices, too. Keep up the good work, guys.
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Boss Kowbel
Great podcast
Listen to this podcast! Especially the episode with Joe Klein! He’s hilarious!
five stars
wow great podcast
five stars
wow great podcast
J Vita
five stars
girl anon
If you, like me, have felt for years like the stuff you watched on television as a kid was kind, there is finally a podcast to prove how right you were. Lars and Nick dissect the lunatic programming we were exposed to as kids in a hilarious and reassuring manner. It's fantastic and now available with Crunchberries.
Charming and hilaire
I’ve never seen any of the shows they’re talking about and I’m still enjoying the pod. Well-made, funny, smart, etc. Great stuff!
Faerie Tale Theatre made me who I am.
Listening to episode 2 right now. You guys hit the nail on the head with all the little quirks, mainly the amazing non-emotion of Shelley Duvall throughout the series. I watched these CONSTANTLY growing up. I think "The 3 Little Pigs" with Billy Crystal, Jeff Godlblum & Fred Willard is my all time favorite, but I celebrate the entire catalog. I love the premise of this podcast, great job!
What kind of monster are you...
...if you don't like cereal & laughing? This podcast is well produced & well paced. The hosts seem like guys you'd like to sit down over a bowl of cereal with. It's funny, and I've enjoyed hearing about every show they've covered, despite having never seen a complete episode of any of them. On my "must listen" list and, buddy, that's some rare air.
This show is hilarious. I've never watched Lazer Tag Academy or Fairie Tale Theatre but am familiar with the 1980s as well as with breakfast cereals. Nick and Lars and guests have great comments on all. Listen up, fools!
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