Sammy Walsh and Sam Kulper
Sammy Walsh and Sam Kulper
BREAKERS is Shepherd Grey’s account of what life looks like after organized civilization crumbles as he and his faithful canine companion, Rommel, venture out from their home in Virginia to try and count themselves among the survivors. It has been several years since the outbreak began. The virus is just a sick and twisted part of life now. You test as much as you can, but there is no “preventing” it, only staying alive until you catch it. “Red you’re dead” is a phrase all too commonly heard throughout the world. You have your Gunslingers, your criers, your survivors, and your breakers... If you don’t fit into those categories, your are among the dead.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 71 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
May 13, 2020
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