There's a line we have to cross when creating any form of content and I call that the Shippable line. It's the point when a project is good enough to get out there into and have the potential impact it's going to have. Many of us don't know where this line is because this line comes with experience. You have to determine where that line is, and part of being a designer with a client or agency is knowing where that line is and educating others on where that line. This happens so you don't waste time and resources on polishing something that can't be polished any further or that the impact becomes significantly less with each updated iteration. At some point you have to ship and let the market decide if it's good.
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May 31, 2019
18 min
Freelancing and Entrepreneurship can get a little muddy sometimes. Especially when we're seeking advice, we can be led astray by the excitement or perception of one over the other. On this episode we're looking to clear that up a bit and genuinely ask ourselves the question of "Am I a freelancer or an entrepreneur?"
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May 30, 2019
16 min
Speculative work is not something you want to get involved in but sometimes that definition can keep creators from doing any kind of free work. And free work is often what creates value and trust with the industries and clients that you want to become a part of. That can also mean finding ways to package inexpensive uses of your time to get yourself in the door. But yeah, speculative work is a no-no. So, what's the difference? That's what we're breaking down.
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May 29, 2019
13 min
I wanted to share a quick thought I had after a conversation with a good friend of mine about his message and creative direction. We spoke all about getting comfortable with putting his message out there as opposed to waiting for the right moment to strike with the right image or brand. Not every designer is going to tell you that, in favor of hitting you with their $2,500 branding package. Building a strong connective idea takes time and we often need to let it breathe and emerge.
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May 28, 2019
12 min
Today on the show we're asking "What is Branding, really?" Is it imagery? Language? A logo? or is it something different entirely?
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Mar 16, 2019
6 min
It’s very exciting when you get someone to say “I want to pay you for this” or “this was worth every penny.” Without even prompting them they just reach into their pocket and insist on giving you their hard earned cash. Why? Likely because you just gave them something invaluable and they don’t know what to do. So, logically, cash is the way to show appreciation.
I met with someone today and this ended up happening. We talked for 45 minutes as a discovery meeting. I just listened and did everything I could to get to know her and get to know her needs. I quoted her for a project and I could tell in an instant that she felt in way over her head. That happens, sometimes the costs are too high, I get it. However, further opportunity wasn’t lost on me and frankly, it was easier to talk now that money was removed.
The barriers were down.
I let her know that I wasn’t interested in taking money she wasn’t prepared to spend and I’m not cutting her off from my knowledge because of that. We talked about her goals, I shared my story and gave her advice on how to go forward. While she didn’t agree to what I quoted (which was work I didn’t want to do anyway) we eventually agreed to do ongoing consulting. Right then and there she insisted that she paid me.
I listened.
I took my own agenda off the table.
I made it clear I wanted to serve her.
I gave her room to make her own choices.
I let her know I wanted to work WITH her, not for her. That this is a joint effort.
She also resonated with my natural intuitive self and it doesn’t hurt to click.
The point of all of this is that I didn’t push the issue. Sales is not about pushing for the sale. You can’t trick a brain to be ready when it isn’t. Even if you do, they’ll sober up and regret it. That won’t bode well for your future relationship. And that’s what you’re doing, building a relationship based on existing needs and possibilities. Not ideals and desparation.
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Mar 14, 2019
5 min
Today on the show we're talking about my personal path of learning to be okay with myself as a brand, to continually assess the fulfillment I feel in my work and how that leads to value for others. This episode is an extension of last week's episode about advertising vs. creating mixed with sharing more of my personal story. I've also felt financial pressure putting into bad old habits. We break that down today on Brand Blaster!
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Dec 14, 2018
33 min
Today on the show we're talking about creating versus advertising. What's really the difference? What should be your focus in today's world of social marketing? There truly are plenty of cues that we can take from the old world of TV and Radio but we haven't take the wrong ideas into account. We tend to think more like advertisers, just throwing our product out there at every angle instead of thinking like creators. If you want to buy ads then buy ads but even then you have think about how that ad naturally fits into the content eco-system. If it looks like an ad, smells like an ad and no one wants it then it's going to be a dud. We also talk about giving away free stuff and why we get so cynical about it when it doesn't work. Thanks for being here, let's blast off into the marketing wonderful with today's episode of Brand Blaster!
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Dec 7, 2018
24 min
Today on the show we're asking the question "Who Are You, Really?" as we share another segment from the Brand Blaster course, which you can pick up at Part of the course involves identifying your personality in order to harness that into an effective brand. But for us to know who you are, we need to strip away some of the traditional notions of who we are. We're not just a mother, father, co-worker or sibling but we have wants, needs, and desires that drive us at our core. What are those things? We talk about that on today's episode of the Brand Blaster podcast.
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Nov 30, 2018
14 min
Today on the show we're officially announcing the new name of the show, which is Brand Blaster! All about personal brand development. We talk about building your personality, brand, marketing and sales strategies. We're talking about your "Why?" today. Why do you even want a brand? What is the purpose and meaning of it for you? Strengthening your resolve is a major key step in even getting started with a brand. Is there a personal reason? Is it for the money? The likes? The attention? Understanding your why will help you to determine if you're even on the right track.
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Nov 23, 2018
15 min
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