It's another fun episode this week. I explain why people are starting to get unfollowed. A cornbread dab. H'whaaaaaaaaat? tune in and enjoy
Jan 24, 2020
11 min

This week I go over some ideas for my upcoming birthday, try to figure out why grandparents buy unnecessary crap and I share a story about a missing chair leg piece . Enjoy
Jan 17, 2020
13 min

Not a fan of bears and I share why on this episode. Back to a regular schedule and delivery services have disappeared. Enjoy.
Jan 9, 2020
11 min

Happy New Year Champs.
Let's kick this year off right and set some goals for ourselves, lets stop sweating the small shit and lets have a top notch amazing year. Sending positive vibes and high fives. Enjoy.
Jan 1, 2020
10 min

This week I share some random dos and don'ts for Christmas. Remember not to be a piece of shit this holiday season. Enjoy peeps.
Dec 22, 2019
10 min

I'm back after quite a bit of a layoff, sharing some recent stories of whats been happening in my world.New place, boof weed and crime shows are on this weeks topics. Sending positive vibes and high fives . Enjoy.
Dec 15, 2019
15 min

The very talented Lue (Killmoure) joins me on this episode for an interesting conversation about the musician life. We discuss a recent shit show incident at the Silver Lake Lounge venue. Check out.
Oct 12, 2019
43 min

As we return for the relaunch of the Brain Danger podcast, we open up with an informative episode with our good pal Ryan. The topic of vape related illnesses and deaths is discussed. With experience in the industry we are lucky enough to have Ryan shine some light on the topic at hand.
Sep 19, 2019
31 min