Kiana Baldwin
S1.E10: Season One Finale
Kiana & Jenn discuss Season One with a wrap up and a "Best Of" montage along with a sneak peek of what's to come for Season Two, which will be airing in late July. For Season Two updates, follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter at BOYMOMHUSTLE. Interested in being a guest on the show or have questions/comments: Thank you guys for tuning in - SEE YOU NEXT SEASON!
Jun 1, 2019
37 min
S1.E9: Sleep Coach for Babies & Children?!
Erin Hill is a Sleep Coach for Babies & Children and 1/2 of "Mingling with Mimosa Mamas!" who let's us in on how we can train our kids to have 12 hours of sleep. Did you catch how many times Kiana said amazing?! Well she couldn't have said it enough because the entire episode discusses topics that you don't want to miss!
May 11, 2019
26 min
S1.E8: Post-Partum Depression
Stephanie Menchaca is 1/2 of "The Confidence Creators" Podcast and she joins us in the discussion for Post-Partum Depression which is a very sensitive topic but it's a topic that women need to understand better.  Stephanie talks about how she got through it and what you need to do if you think you're experiencing it. Thank you to Podcoin for their contributions
May 9, 2019
26 min
S1.E7: No Judgement Zone - Part 2
Kiana and Jenn finish their two-part episode discussing Hitting Milestones and Baby Names! This is an episode that you won't want to miss - and while you're listening ask yourself "Does this (Parenthood) get easier?". Don't worry we ask ourselves the same thing - stay tuned until the end to hear our opinions!
May 6, 2019
22 min
S1.E6: No Judgement Zone - Part 1
Kiana and Jenn talk about those touchy subjects that people (sometimes even other parents) usually like to judge other parents on how they parent. In this episode we talk about Breastfeeding vs. Formula and Co-Sleeping, with the usual "Cry It Out" Method vs. Crib Sleeping, with many opinions and real-life stories in between. 
May 6, 2019
21 min
S1.E5: New Dad Experience!
Collin Thomas is a new Dad to a Baby Girl Gianna and Husband of 10 years! Hear how his new adventure is going so far and how excited he is to be a new Dad - guys he is only 12 days in! Welcome to Parenthood!
Apr 30, 2019
26 min
S1.E4: Solo Parent Vs. Co-Parent Part 1
Dohnte Thompson is our First Male Guest, First Co-parent AND is Part 1 of a 2 part episode coming soon! He discusses what it's like to have 2 daughters and share the responsibility with their mom. The Ups & Downs of Co-Parenting is definitely something you guys want to hear!
Apr 21, 2019
23 min
S1.E3: Time For Yourself/Self Care With A Military Wife!
Kristie Thorstad is a Military Wife, Expectant Mother and also has two 2 boys Conner and Troy. She is big on planning her day through, but knows that things will go wrong and shares with us how she gets through it. 
Apr 20, 2019
27 min
S1.E2: Girl Mom Takeover!
Our guest Stephanie LaBonte talks about the importance of Empowering Girls and Women all while having two daughters of her own! FYI: Kids are present in this podcast.
Apr 19, 2019
31 min
S1.E1: How to NOT Get Sh*t Done W/ Dash & Nate!
We attempted to have the boys with us while we were recording, but it didn't work out very well! Hear the exciting chaos!
Apr 18, 2019
27 min
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