BostonRed Podcast


Boston and national political coverage by Bostonred "The Real Deal"
Friday Java  01 March   2019
Friday Java the political magazine with a full cup of Coffee and a few polling numbers in between the refills. La revista política con una taza llena de café y algunos números de las encuestas entre las recarga News and Guts from Dan Rather Public News Service
Mar 1, 2019
46 min
Angela Davis's America
The tale is a parable for the resistance generation as it broaches subjects such as socialism, Palestinian rights, male privilege, prisons, systemic racism — issues that were once the crux of the radical Angela Agenda but are now liberal talking points. It reveals a crucial question about how we respond to activists: When should we push back — and when should we wait and see where they lead us?She’s someone who, from a very young age, has provoked enormous controversy over whether her ideas were good or bad,” says Jane Kamensky, director of Harvard University’s Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. “She cast herself as a revolutionary. And we have liked our civil rights activists firmly in the reform tradition, and we have liked our revolutionaries male.”“She inspired a lot of black intellectuals, in addition to being a person about whose fate we were concerned in how the criminal justice system was treating her,” says Henry Louis Gates, director of Harvard’s Hutchins Center for African & African American Research. He recalled that Davis, who studied philosophy, was the reason he enrolled in a philosophy course and that he had once had hung a “Free Angela” poster on his wall.WP
Feb 28, 2019
43 min
The Machine is Out of Business
CHICAGO MAYOR ELECTION RESULTS Results updated as of Feb. 27, 4:00 AM CANDIDATE     VOTES          Lori Lightfoot     90,176          17.5% Toni Preckwinkle     82,320          16.0% William Daley     76,230          14.8% Willie Wilson     53,928          10.5% 1. BillDaley, $8.65 million 2. ToniPreckwinkle, $4.5 million 3. GeryChico, $3.02 million 4. Jerry Joyce, $2.78 million 5. Susana Mendoza, $2.63 million 6. Willie Wilson, $1.66 million 7. LoriLightfoot, $1.54 million
Feb 27, 2019
37 min
Chicago Mayoral Election 2019
“I don’t think there’s any mathematical way, looking at the field and the number of candidates, that there wouldn’t be a runoff,” political strategist David Axelrod told the Tribune last week. Underscoring the slim possibility of a final decision Tuesday night, he said: “I mean, meteorologically there’s a way to get hit by lightning, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.” The horse rac Axelrod, the architect of former President Barack Obama’s political rise, said he thinks Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle likely will secure one of the two runoff spots with the backing of two powerful labor groups: the Chicago Teachers Union and Service Employees Union International. Early voting numbers by Friday had reached 74,000 and by Monday were expected to exceed the 89,000 early votes cast in 2015. Vote-by-mail, once known as absentee voting, is up. Of the 63,000 who applied to vote by mail — nearly triple the requests made in the last two city elections — about 24,000 ballots had been returned. One clue may come from Chicago’s voter registration numbers. They’re slightly up, which may add up to more voters heading to the polls. Right now, the city has 1.58 million registered voters on the rolls, up from 1.4 million in 2011 and 1.42 million in 2015 — the last two municipal election years. In 2011, 594,000 voters, or 42 percent of those registered, cast a ballot, while that number dipped to 438,700, or 34 percent of registered voters, in 2015, though the mayoral runoff between incumbent Mayor Rahm Emanuel and challenger Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, now a congressman, drew a whopping 600,000 voters.
Feb 26, 2019
43 min
The Monday Morning Quarterback 25 February 2019
The Monday Morning Quarterback is a person who passes judgement on and criticizes something after the event (theOxford Dictionary).We take a look at the Sunday talk shows and much more WBRN Radio . El lunes por la mañana El mariscal de campo es una persona que juzga y critica algo después del evento (el Diccionario Oxford).Echamos un vistazo a los programas dominicales y mucho más. In Memorial of Jerry Pippin 1939-2015
Feb 25, 2019
45 min
The Week that Was 23 February   2019
The past week's political events that help shape American politics. Políticos de la sem Hiroshimaana pasada que ayudan a conformar el cuerpo político estadounidense. Democracy Dies in Darkness Washington Post Stetson Kennedy Foundation
Feb 23, 2019
46 min
Friday Java  22 February  2019
Friday Java the political magazine with a full cup of Coffee and a few polling numbers in between the refills. La revista política con una taza llena de café y algunos números de las encuestas entre las recarga News and Guts from Dan Rather Public News Service
Feb 22, 2019
38 min
The Monday Morning Quarterback 18 February 2019
The Monday Morning Quarterback is a person who passes judgement on and criticizes something after the event (theOxford Dictionary).We take a look at the Sunday talk shows and much more WBRN Radio . El lunes por la mañana El mariscal de campo es una persona que juzga y critica algo después del evento (el Diccionario Oxford).Echamos un vistazo a los programas dominicales y mucho más. In Memorial of Jerry Pippin 1939-2015
Feb 18, 2019
46 min
The Week that Was 16 February   2019
The past week's political events that help shape American politics. Políticos de la sem Hiroshimaana pasada que ayudan a conformar el cuerpo político estadounidense. Democracy Dies in Darkness Washington Post Stetson Kennedy Foundation
Feb 16, 2019
45 min
Friday Java  15 February  2019
Friday Java the political magazine with a full cup of Coffee and a few polling numbers in between the refills. La revista política con una taza llena de café y algunos números de las encuestas entre las recarga News and Guts from Dan Rather Public News Service
Feb 15, 2019
43 min
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