Join your host Sophia as she interviews Jen Santos for her third time on the podcast! This time she shares about her three home birth experiences. They discuss topics including ultrasounds, breech, unknown due date, back labor, torticollis, ECV, postpartum anxiety, PTSD, geriatric pregnancy, and precipitous birth.
Dr. Jen Santos, DC, CACCP, is a second generation chiropractor. She received her first adjustment at 45 minutes old by her dad. Dr. Jen graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in 2013, with honors (Cum Laude) and received the prestigious “Clinical Excellence Award.” She is a full time chiropractor and owner of Acorn Chiropractic Club with 3 locations. Additionally, she is an adjunct professor at Life Chiropractic College West where she teaches obstetrics, gynecology, pediatric and prenatal adjusting, and pediatric pathology. Dr. Jen also periodically teaches pediatric and perinatal chiropractic seminars to students and chiropractors in her offices. And also teaches for the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Email: DrJen@AcornChiropracticClub
FB Jen Santos
IG @JenSantosDC
Dr. Jen Santos Ultrasounds Dopplers EFM Concerns: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/85--Dr--Jen-Santos---Ultrasounds--Dopplers--EFM-Concerns-e20btg7
Jen Santos - Tongue and Lip Ties:
Jen Santos - Chiropractic and Dynamic Body Balancing: https://anchor.fm/bornwild/episodes/Chiropractic-and-Dynamic-Body-Balancing-with-Jen-Santos---S1E28-e19fk2u
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/109--Jen-Santos---Breech-Home-Birth--OP-Home-Birth--Precipitous-Home-Birth-e2khrr1
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Jun 10, 2024
1 hr 20 min

PODCAST EPISODE - Carrie Caillouette, IBCLC - #108
Join your host Sophia as she interviews Carrie on all things breastmilk. They discuss insurance coverage, mental prep, prenatal prep, pacifiers, favorite nursing tools, colostrum harvesting, tongue tie, inverted nipples, chiropractic care, and cranial sacral support.
Carrie is an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) living in West County Sonoma! After the birth of her second baby she felt called to transition her career to helping other parents meet their infant feeding goals. She believes that education and small tweaks are usually all it takes to have a long and successful breastfeeding journey. She offers home visits or virtual ones to help parents develop a plan to meet their goals and feed their little one. In most cases folks are covered at 100% by insurance for lactation care by her. She is especially proud of her volunteer work with a local non-profit called Better Beginnings.
Recommendations by Carrie:
•Sebastopol Postpartum Support Group at the Public Library each Tuesday morning 11a-12p.
•First Droplets: https://firstdroplets.com
Connect with Carrie:
•IG: @golden_State_Lactation
•Website: https://www.goldenstatelactation.com/
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/108--Carrie-Caillouette--IBCLC-e2jb8qo
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
May 13, 2024
54 min

PODCAST EPISODE - Kristine Laurie - #107
Join your hosts Lea and Sophia as they interview Kristine Laurie once again. First interview linked below. They discuss Doctors without Boarders, preterm birth in the USA, steriods, antibiotics, jaundice, kangaroo care, IVF, IUI, infection, UTI, PROM, cord prolapse, triplets and twins, fetal demise, BPP, and placenta previa.
Kristine has been practicing for 33 years as a CPM and LM and has worked internationally for over 20 years. She currently works with MSF (Doctors Without Borders) providing humanitarian aid in developing countries. She specializes in high risk obstetrics in low resource settings. When Kristine is home, she teaches virtual AP midwifery classes through Midwifery Wisdom Collective and she also facilitates master classes with Breech Without Borders. She provides expert witness testimony in court cases involving breech birth.
Kristine has attended over 5,000 births, the majority out of hospital and has attended 516 breeches, 387 sets of twins and 7 sets of triplets to date. She is a staunch advocate for autonomy in women's health and for physiologic birth.
Connect with Kristine:
•IG: @globalmidwife64
•Website: https:/midwifewithoutboundaries.wordpress.com/
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/107--Kristine-Laurie---Preterm-Birth-and-Babies-e2him99
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
May 6, 2024
59 min

PODCAST EPISODE - Caley’s Birth Story - #106
Join your host Sophia as she interviews Caley on her last birth story. Caley shared her first two births in link below. They discuss free-birth verse home-birth, relationship turmoil with her husband, traveling during pregnancy, wild pregnancy, hypnobirthing, nutritional depletion, placenta previa, pregnancy bleeding, fear of hemorrhage, velamentous cords, and bed sharing.
Caley is a UX designer and musician living in the Sierra foothills on a little piece of mountain paradise with her Australian husband and their two young toddler boys and now daughter. She is extremely passionate about empowering women in the birth process, and teaching women how to play music!
Caley recommends:
•Stardust period + pregnancy tracker: https://stardust.app
Connect with Caley:
•IG: @ckevlin
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/106--Caleys-Birth-Story-e2hujkk
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Apr 29, 2024
47 min

Please join your host Lea as she interviews Sabia Wade. They discuss voluteering in prison, health disparities, equality, helping pregnant people of color, doula training and business, and preventing burnout.
Sabia Wade (she/they) is a Black, Queer, CEO, Investor, Author, Educator, Full Spectrum Doula, and expander of Black Luxury. Her novel, Birthing Liberation: How Reproductive Justice Can Set Us Free, is now out and available for purchase! She’s dedicated to building bridges for a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable world through reproductive justice, distribution of financial wealth to BIPOC communities, and investing in emergent and innovative businesses.
Sabia recommends:
•Birth doula training: https://www.badoulatrainings.org/
•For the Village: https://forthevillage.org/
Connect with Sabia:
•IG: @sabiawade
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/105--Sabia-Wade---Luxury-Expert-e2h8qb3
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Mar 19, 2024
58 min

Please join your hosts Lea and Sophia as they interview Kim on her three home water birth stories. They discuss conception journey's, medical providers who choose home birth, postpartum baby blues, covid, en veil verse en caul births, post term, hemorrhoids.
Kim was born and raised in Napa, CA, and still lives there today with her husband Aaron, her two sons Noah (5) and Teo (2), and their most recent addition to the family, daughter Isla (3 months). Kim became a bit of a “birth junkie” about a year before her first pregnancy and gained most of her knowledge about birth from listening to birth story podcasts. This shaped her ideas for what she wanted her births to look like, and she went on to have home births with all three kids. Kim is a high school World Languages teacher in the Napa Valley and enjoys spending time with friends, taking weekend adventures with her family and of course, listening to birth stories!
Kim recommends:
•Why Not Home: https://www.whynothome.com/
•Business of Being Born: https://www.thebusinessof.life/the-business-of-being-born
Connect with Kim:
•IG: @kbh_hurtado
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bornwild/episodes/104--Kims-Birth-Stories---Instant-Baby--Just-Add-Water-e2gaibh
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Mar 4, 2024
53 min

Join your hosts Lea and Sophia as they interview Kelsey on her birth story. They discuss topics such as obstetric violence, fetal heart arrhythmia, post term pregnancy, placental abruption, and cesarean.
Kelsey is an herbalist living and working on a farm in Petaluma. Her and her husband, Roberto welcomed their baby boy, Julio, in November 2023. They are finding their groove as a family of 4 (including their sweet and sassy shiba inu, The Maki Dog!) and they love going for walks around the farm and watching the Warriors together. Kelseys favorite hobby is aerial silks- she can’t wait to get back into it once Julio is old enough!
Kelsey recommends:
•Free Birth Society: @freebirthsociety
•Birthing Instincts: @birthinginstincts
•Hard truths about placental abruption episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/birthing-instincts/id1552816683?i=1000642767921
Connect with Kelsey:
•IG: @kesocandisco
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://anchor.fm/bornwild/episodes/103--Kelseys-Birth-Story---Placental-Abruption---Return-to-Trusting-e2fmsq4
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Feb 19, 2024
59 min

Join your hosts Sophia and Carissa (our newest student midwife) as they interview Rhona Berens, a perinatal relationship coach and co-author of the book "Fight Right for Your Baby: The How to Guide for Expecting and New Parents to Shift from Conflict to Connection". They discuss babies and relationships, conflict styles and impact, useful tools, and red flags for birth workers to look out for to refer out.
Rhona Berens, PhD, PCC is a seasoned Relationship Coach who helps new and expecting parents capably navigate the momentous shifts that occur with a baby’s arrival. For more than a dozen years, Rhona has assisted perinatal professionals in their efforts to better support their clients; she has delivered in-service talks, conference keynotes (e.g., CAPPA), webinars (e.g., InJoy), and in-person workshops in the US and Canada. In her new coauthored book—Fight Right for Your Baby: The How-To Guide for Expecting and New Parents to Shift from Conflict to Connection—Rhona offers birth professionals and their clients a research-based, easy-to-use resource with more than 40 “bite-size” tools for quick intervention in negative conflict, effective repair, and reconnection. Fight Right for Your Baby helps parents move from common yet potentially destructive ways of disagreeing to Fighting Right, an approach to conflict that supports children’s developmental health, and parents’ individual and relationship satisfaction.
Rhona’s recommends:
•And Baby Makes Three: https://www.gottman.com/product/and-baby-makes-three/
Connect with Rhona:
•IG: @fightrightbooks
•Website: http://www.rhonaberens.com/
•Book: http://www.fightrightbooks.com/
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://anchor.fm/bornwild/episodes/102--Rhona-Berens---Perinatal-Relationship-Coach-e2egad6
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Jan 22, 2024
57 min

Join your host Sophia as she interviews Kayla on her surprise breech birth and 3rd stage transfer. They discuss topics including chiropractic care, acupuncture, ultrasound, hypnotherapy, back labor, transport, breech, blood transfusions.
Kayla is a first-time mom who lives in Santa Rosa with her 5-month-old son Declan, 6-year-old stepdaughter Fable, and husband Joel. She is a work from home mom and has her own business as a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator. When she's not busy changing diapers, Kayla enjoys going on "hot mom walks" around Spring Lake, trips to the beach with her family, and trying new restaurants. You can follow Kayla's #MomLife on Instagram and TikTok and reach out to her if you would like to join the weekly hot mom walks.
Kayla recommends:
•Episode on ultrasounds: https://anchor.fm/bornwild/episodes/85--Dr--Jen-Santos---Ultrasounds--Dopplers--EFM-Concerns-e20btg7
•Placenta Encapsulation - https://www.familyfocus-doulacare.com
•Acorn Chiropractic Club - https://acornchiropractic.com/
•Mighty Mama Movement Online Course - https://go.mightymamamovement.com/
•Birth Playlist - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXebxttQCq0zA?si=20f07204af1c4795
Connect with Kayla:
•IG: @KaylaShock
•TikTok: @CrazyKayla
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://anchor.fm/bornwild/episodes/101--Kaylas-Birth-Story---Surprise-Breech-and-Transport-e2e6544
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Jan 15, 2024
49 min

Join your hosts Lea and Sophia as they interview Gina Mundy, childbirth attorney. They discuss Gina's new book "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth" which supports families to educate themselves to create a safer environment for their births. They discuss medical advisors verse decision makers, lessons learned from her cases, how certain factors can improve outcomes like doulas and chiropractors. How certain factors like induction and busy hospital units can lead to poor outcomes. They also discuss how important it is to go into your birth educated and to be selective of your care providers.
Gina Mundy is an attorney specializing in childbirth cases. For over 20 years, her focus has been investigating and analyzing mistakes that arise during labor and delivery. She has spent countless hours meticulously scrutinizing childbirth cases, conducting interviews with delivery teams, and thoroughly
examining medical records to gain an in-depth understanding of every decision made during labor and delivery. Throughout her career Gina has traveled nationwide, engaging with
healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and midwives to explore all aspects of labor and delivery. These interactions have provided her with invaluable insights,
enabling her to appreciate the diverse perspectives prevalent in different regions of the country.
In June 2023, Gina's book "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth" was published. The book helps parents to avoid the mistakes during childbirth and have a healthy baby. Instead of getting involved after a mistake was made, Gina is getting involved before childbirth to help prevent the mistakes.
Gina recommends:
•A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth: Expecting the Best: Using the Power of Knowledge to Help You Deliver a Healthy Baby: A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth: Expecting the Best: Using the Power of Knowledge to Help You Deliver a Healthy Baby
Connect with Gina:
•Website: www.ginamundy.com
•IG: @ginamundy
Listen here:
IG: linktree in bio
FB: https://anchor.fm/bornwild/episodes/Gina-Mundy---Childbirth-Attorney-e2d4f9f
@sophiabirth @bayareahomebirth @bornwildmidwifery
Stay Wild 🌳
Dec 25, 2023
51 min
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