via Podcasts
I Love Bookworm
Thank you so much for this lovely latest Arc episode.
hana ziggy
Come back. More episodes please!
Praying all is well.
Where in the world is Michael Silverblatt?
Is everything okay? Why is nobody talking about this? I’ve scoured the internet for anything remotely resembling bafflement at where our bookworm has gone! Give us a sign, Michael! Blink twice if you need rescuing!!!
Michael is a national treasure. Writers, know that there is at least one reader for whom books are literally life. Readers, this is how we should do it.
Interesting guests but why does host not let them speak???
Great show!
Michael, host of the Bookworm podcast, highlights all aspects of provocative literature and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Wonderful, Smart, Deeply Human
David Duchovny, Princeton lit grad, protege of H Bloom, and whose father was a Hebrew scholar, writes a book about a Mormon fanatic and has no idea what Gnosticism is. Curious. Michael gently but with some impatience explains it to him.
Fabulous Interviewer
I was spurred to leave a review because I really cannot stand when listeners leave a poor review to complain about the interviewer’s voice. Silverblatt is an incredible, conscientious interviewer. If you don’t like his voice, don’t leave a one star review just to say so. He can’t change it!
Not a fan
I guess I am in the minority here, but I can’t stand Michael Silverblatt’s voice. I honestly have no idea what was discussed in the episode I listened to because I was so distracted by the way he speaks. I will not be tuning in again.
Genuine, fun to listen to, and informative
I really like the sensitivity in Silverblatt’s interviewing style and his unabashed love for what he reads.
Book Finder
Michael Silverblat is wonderful and I have discovered so many books because of his show. I love that he only reviews books that he likes and is so enthusiastic about them.
Einstein the Cat, RIP
Murbles’ best work since Thoughts for your Thoughts
Derry Murbles (formerly of Wamapoke County Public Radio) does a fantastic job hosting this book podcast, though I’m sure the citizens of Pawnee will miss him.
Pop Guru
The incomparable Silverblatt
I wonder if he had that voice as a child?
Spectacular Sontag
Such a great episode and engaging conversation with Susan Sontag’s biographer. It came as no surprise to learn how very fond 🥰 Susan was of Michael Silverblatt. I am too!! I’m a dear future friend Michael has yet to meet. LOL. Thank you for sharing your gifts, knowledge and insights, Michael. I’m mad about you, and Brad Listi and his Otherppl podcast— you’re my literary podcaster crushes. 💖📚
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One of my favorite podcasts
Michael Silverblatt is a gift to all bookworms. He loves to read and talk about his experience reading, feeling, and thinking about books. His questions aren’t so much questions as rolling, rambling invitations for conversation with guests. Plus that voice. Oh that voice.
Please talk less Michael!
I prefer to hear more from the authors and less of Michael’s opinions and personal stories. I thought this show was about books and their authors.
If you want more than best sellers to read…
Many of the books that Silverblatt reviews and authors that he interviews have led to my reading the book or everything the author had published! If you enjoy serious fiction, this podcast will help you to go beyond the most popular choices and discover quirky, not so ordinary fiction.
A few weeks ago, I finished reading Susan Orlean’s The Library Book, so surveying the episodes of KCRW “Bookworm,” I was eager to hear what Orlean had to say about the process and content of her great read. I came away wanting more from Orlean, which means more interview method from Silverblatt and less of his talk about the book. At one point, Silverblatt cut Orlean off mid-sentence in order to offer his own ideas? The topic was feminism in the world of librarians —surely Orlean had important things to say. An interviewer is most effective using a voice and manner that does not interrupt the presence of the one interviewed, or the listener. The cadence of Silverblatt's voice made me impatient instead of at ease.
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The Best
The greatest Silverblatt is the most insightful reader alive
Michael is so on-point, so generous with his guests - he's the perfect reader and he's turned me onto some of my absolute favorite writers and given insight into their work.
My Fave
Michael Silverblatt is simply the most insightful reader I have ever had the privilege of hearing discuss books. He’s a deft interviewer and always hosts interesting writers, and have found writers whose work I love on numerous occasions. It is proudly intellectual and thankfully respects the intelligence of its audience.
This is a wonderful podcast for book lovers, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get more perspective on their favorite authors or find out about new books that are worth checking out.
Bookworm Indeed
I’ve listened to this show for over 15 years and to me Mr. Silverblat is the most perceptive reader & author interviewer I know of (not unlike Elvis Mitchell in his own field of study- film). Often authors say that no other reader/interviewer had observed their work as accurately, even seeing things the authors themselves never noted. Frankly, out of the hundreds of Bookworms I’ve listened to, I’ve maybe read five of the books featured. I’m not as much of the reader I’d like to be, yet it doesn’t make the show any less enjoyable to me. It’s more about enjoying the inner workings of the authors creativity. Up until about five years ago the intro music was a charming old Disney song sung by Jiminy Cricket about books. The intro music now is absolutely awful in my opinion- superficial and banal, and quite unlike the show itself. It’s terribly ironic.
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Huge fan
Great podcast but God I can’t stand that nasal voice
The nasal voice of the host is worse than listening to someone scratching a blackboard. I tried because the content is so good. But I just cannot. My ears can’t take it anymore.
5 stars
Love this podcast. As a reader always interested in learning about books, this podcast is outstanding.
Beautiful Show
Certain episodes have brought me to tears. There is real love put into this show.
Brilliant interviews
Michael sees books in a completely different way, even surprising the authors themselves.
The best reader/critic alive
Silverblatt is a living legend. Hands down the best author interviewer in podcasts. Writers and readers alike will learn so much from listening to him.
Thanks for review diverse group of authors. Thanks for eating every word. I go through withdraws if a download of Bookworm is not there every Thursday. I really appreciate Silverblatte & how deep he delves. Just wish interviews were an hour!
Unlike most podcasts, this is ok.
The best part of my day
Michael Silverblatt is a bright spot of warmth, humanism and empathy in a world that too often relies on cynicism and intellec. A brilliant, nuanced and careful reader, he nonetheless approaches great fiction with humility and curiosity, and his willingness to engage in the most earnest and sincere of ways makes him an interviewer like no other. I have found nothing that more fully feeds the soul and the mind than this podcast, and he helps keep me passionate as a reader. I am so grateful that a podcast like this exists in the world.
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What to read? Hmmm...
This show will help you. Good book talk. Click on subscribe.
The original, the real deal
Michael Silverblatt is, quite possibly, the best reader of our time. Maybe even of all time.
Michael Silverblatt is my Heaven
Silverblatt could interview a chair and I would tune in. He is the most empathetic human alive. I truly think so. If we could have a Silverblatt for every cultural field, this world would be a better place. This is a must-listen for anyone who loves to read. No matter what you love to read, you must listen to this podcast. It’s the only podcast I never miss.
The Research Society
Silverblatt’s One of a Kind
Michael Silverblatt’s understanding of literature and writing is unparalleled. The writers he brings on the podcast are always interesting, and the conversations they have are always inspiring, insightful, and fun. The show has no equal and my Goodreads “want to read” is ever-growing because of it.
More, More, More
I love Michael's podcasts. He is one of the few people who can articulate with such passionate clarity the raw feelings of a book's character and its author. This gift is amazingly beautiful. I hope he continues to read and review books he enjoys because there will always be human beings who will share his appreciation. Life is too short to read books you do not like.
There is no contrast!
Mr. Silverblatt is always super-enthusiastic and super-in love with every author that he ever interviews... What is the result? That it is impossible to know which author he actually likes or dislikes; and it makes the podcast sound super fake constantly.
Aleks Ztavre
hardcore literary interviews
Bookworm is the most hardcore author interview program I've ever heard. The host, Michael Silverblatt, has not only read the work under discussion, but he often has an analysis that even surprises the author. For this reason, it's especially interesting to listen to an interview after reading the book, though I also find it a good way to get a sense of whether I'll enjoy something.
Lisa Eckstein
Smart Guy; Weird Tastes
There's something kind of "off" about Silverblatt's tastes. He liked Sheila Heti's book for one thing. I think something emblematic is the band that does his theme music. It's some LA band that he loves (he's had them on the program) that sings in falsetto's and has witty lyrics, but sing awful, soul-less songs. What's a bit interesting about Silverblatt is that when he interviewed them he was smart enough to realize many people see the band as just clever but soul-less-- evidently that's his taste. It seems the same applies to books he loves.
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Simply the best
But why does KCRW limit it to 10 shows?
Egomet Bonmot
Great content, terrible theme music
The interviews are insightful and interesting-- one of the best podcasts I've found. My one complaint is the into music, which is so mind-bendingly bad that I have to fast-forward through it. Please-- anything, including silence would be better that this.
Ms. Psychosis
The best fiction podcast out there.
Silverblatt is an engaging and insightful reviewer. He avoids facile conclusions and gives great authors the opportunity to speak their minds in depth. Don't miss it!
Simply the best!
I can think of no higher honor for an author than to be interviewed by Michael Silverblatt.
My only complaint is the length. Bookworm should be at least an hour.
Silverblatt is the man.
If you love books, a reader or a writer, Silverblatt will blow you away. He is an acute reader and interviewer. I feel like I walk away a little bit smarter every time I listen to him.
Pretentiousness Reaches New Heights
Yes, Mr. Silverblatt's knowledge is impressive. That said, I don't want to be impressed by Mr. Silverblatt, I want to learn about the authors & their books. There seems seems to be little if any rapport with the writers; in fact some of them seem to find him as annoying as I do. I'll give him an extra star or two just because he does find great subjects & good books to review, so it might be worth listening to just for that.
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The amazing Silverblatt
This is the most accessible intelligent podcast on books available. Or else it is the most intelligent accessible book podcast. Silverblatt's literary insights are almost mystical.
Saudi Kotan
Great Concept
This is a really good podcast. It has a great flow.
The Novelty
Silverblatt - the MAN
I have been listening to bookworm for years and finally got to see Mr. Silverblatt work in person while he interviewed Martin Amis. Mr. Silverblatt, working without notes, went quote for quote like a literary master and matched wits with Martin on everything from Russian literature to Kingsley Amis. He really knows how to handle the authors he interviews letting them speak as much as possible. Norman Mailer called him "the most well read man in the world" - which to me means he has the respect of the very highest level literatti. All Bookworm shows are now archived and available at KCRW's website. So have fun!!
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Style Phile
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