Bloomington Stories
Bloomington Stories
Josh Bennett and Chris Kupersmith
via Podcasts
Bloomington’s finest
Want to know some of the best parts of living in a smallish town? This podcast is sweet, hilarious and smart.
Gretchen’s Review
An excellent podcast
Incredibly entertaining. Give it a listen!
Better than a free pink house
I love this podcast and look forward to a thousand more episodes giving voice to Bloomington’s own breed of college town characters, mayhem and magic! Please send a thousand more episodes. Thank you!
Laughaholics Laughonymous
Fantastic show!
Very fun show about Bloomington, like listening to a conversation with your friends! Keep it going!
Good show!
I was driving by Ken Nunn’s building when you had the ad for the man himself. I hope you continue to time conversations out to coincide with my current life. Very impressive.