Games, games, games, games, and more games. It seems like it is hard out here for a gamer. Trying get caught playing these games. Alas, the backlog will never end. In fact, I'd say it is a losing battle. Enjoy this episode.
Mar 26, 2023
11 min

To the average consumer, a game score provides validation of either a game being purchased and played or avoided. Do they really matter, though? On this episode, we talk about whether or not game scores are as important as they are made out to be.
Jan 9, 2023
19 min

EPISODE 30!!! Thank you, first and foremost. I love driving games. I just don't play nearly as much as I used too. Perhaps it is because there is not enough of a variety or maybe it is because, after playing one, you've played it all. I doubt that but on this episode I discuss this topic and scratch the surface on what I see as a resurgence of the driving game genre.
Dec 6, 2022
12 min

It seems like remakes and remasters are all around us. Are video game remakes and remasters a good thing or is does it display a lack of creativity? Does it fit into the same category of how people feel about movie and show remakes? This is a great episode to jump into. Enjoy.
Nov 29, 2022
11 min

I grew up using controllers because, when I did have a game system, it was a console. As I grew up into an adult I was able to afford a gaming PC and began to use mouse and keyboard. I do still prefer my controller. What about you? On this episode I take a dive into this topic.
Nov 22, 2022
9 min

I remember, in years past, that when a new game system was rumored to be coming out, all the rave was about E3 and what the showcase was going to highlight and cover. If it was a year when the major developers were dropping significant products it was all out war. Has that changed in these present times? On this episode I talk about whether or not there is an actual console war anymore.
Nov 15, 2022
13 min

We all have those first gaming memories that will always stay tucked in our minds. Do you remember your first game system? What game did you play? I remember the system I had and the games. It was such a great time in my childhood. How could I forget. Enjoy this episode as I share my first game system and first gaming experiences.
Nov 9, 2022
11 min

HAUNTOBER IS HERE! This means there are tons of horror games, movies, and soundtracks to enjoy. What better way to enjoy this season than by bringing you a horror themed episode. On this episode I talk about four games I've played and my opinion on their scariness.
Oct 8, 2022
13 min

I have never been one to solely listen to reviewerrs or base my decision to play a game off the varied input. However, this question does pop up from time to time and I felt like addressing it from my opinions and perspective.
Oct 1, 2022
7 min

Indie games have a special place with me. I used to only care for AAA games and, while I do not dislike them, I have found myself finding more enjoyment in Indie games. On this episode I talk about what makes indie game sspecial to me and hopefully provide reasons why you should play them as well.
Sep 29, 2022
10 min
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