Blast Off! with Johnny Rocket Podcast

Blast Off! with Johnny Rocket

Johnny Rocket Adams
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Blast Off! with Johnny Rocket launches from the Southwest, bringing the voice of sanity to a world driven by entitlement and envy economics. Johnny Rocket (from The Johnny Rocket Launch Pad) teams up with his Ray of Truth, Raylene Lightheart, to bring the voices of liberty, Rock 'n Roll, economic literacy, and self-ownership into the stratosphere! This is a production of the Launch Pad Media "Always launching ideas in your direction." Support this podcast:
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #75: Money, Masks, and Madness! (w/ Natalie Fawn Danelishen)
Show Summary: Under the pressures of the unprecedented-in-our-life-time COVID19 crisis, even libertarians are floundering philosophically. Some are willing to tolerate the wholesale “temporary” suspension of our inalienable rights. Others indeed relish the totalitarian response, because it gives them a (false) sense of safety. On this show Natalie Fawn Danelishen provides a critique of the governmental response to the crisis on the basis of Libertarian theory, masks, and the madness! Natalie  offers details on how property rights and free markets could guide response to our current challenges, better than any government can or will. About the Guest:  Natalie Fawn Danelishen is a graphic artist, libertarian activist, and member of the Mises Institute. About the Host: Johnny “Rocket” Adams was the creator and host of “The Johnny Rocket Launch Pad – Libertarian Rock n’ Roll Experience” and now “BLAST OFF with Johnny Rocket!” He’s also a musician, graphic artist, author, and former Chief Warrant Officer. Johnny spent his early days earning his stripes as a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army. Back stateside, Johnny immersed himself in the classic works of Murray Rothbard, Henry Hazlitt, and Ludwig von Mises. From there the AnCap known as “Johnny Rocket” was born. Speaking truth to power from your cell phone tower, Johnny digests the philosophy of liberty and brings them to the man on the street on a weekly basis. Johnny Rocket was also the front-man of the rockabilly group “Hot Roddin’ Romeos” and puts pencil to paper with the critically acclaimed comic series “The Liberty Force.” New York Times best-selling author and podcast host Tom Woods calls Johnny Rocket “one of the most entertaining figures in the liberty movement.” About the Co-Host: Raylene Lightheart is an activist in the libertarian movement. She is a dedicated wife and homeschool mom of five. She is passionate about self-ownership, free association community, and unfettered liberty. Raylene is the director of marketing and sales of Launchpad Media Group. She is the assistant communications director for Libertarian Party of Washington State and also serves as Region 3 alternate. She also is on the board of Libertarian Party of Kitsap County and was awarded the 2018 Porcupine Award for LPWA. As a child, Raylene dreamed of being in broadcasting. When Johnny asked her to be the co-host for his new show, Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket she was thrilled to have the opportunity to advance liberty through education, outreach, and entertainment. About Ground Control: ​​Benjamin Wiegold is a fellow Libertarian, from the corrupt state of Illinois. Ben is the new producer, sound engineer, and editor of the Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket. Ben has also done work for the Mises Institute and numerous other publications. Ben is a musician, hardcore anarchist, and just an all-around cool dude! Guest Website(s): Music Provided By: Hard Money Saints - "Leafy Incline" Hard Money Saints - "Ol Grey Dog" Hard Money Saints - "Lightening Strikes" --- Support this podcast:
Aug 30, 2020
59 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #74: Death to Tyrants! (w/Buck Johnson)
Show Summary: Libertarian principles of self-reliance and minimal government have been around for centuries. But they are being tested as never before in a time when much of the world, and many of their adherents, see a clear role for government restriction on basic liberties. Death to Tyrants podcast discusses politics, current events, and economics generally viewed through a hardcore libertarian and free-market lens. In this episode, we talk to Buck Johnson host of this popular podcast! Guest Website(s): Death to Tyrants Podcast Music Provided By: Hard Money Saints - "Leafy Incline" Hard Money Saints - "Ol Grey Dog" Hard Money Saints - "Lightning Strikes" --- Support this podcast:
Aug 2, 2020
59 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #73: My Fellow Americans! (w/ Jeremy “Spike” Cohen)
Show Summary: Spike Cohen is a podcaster who runs Muddied Waters Media and is an ally of performance artist Vermin Supreme, who ran for the Libertarian Party’s Presidential nomination in 2020. As a matter of fact, The Libertarian National Convention has selected Spike Cohen to be their Vice-Presidential nominee. He will be joining the ticket with Jo Jorgensen as she leads the Libertarian Party for the 2020 Election. Spike understands that the Libertarian Party’s Platform is an attempt to compromise between different positions and he completely respects that, but as an individual candidate, his policy is anarchy. Mr. Cohen is not only a comedian, but he holds the ideals of liberty near and dear to his heart. This week we Blast Off! with not only the first millennial candidate but also the very first professional podcaster on the ticket, Mr. Spike Cohen! This was one of our favorite shows! About the Guest:  Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. Jeremy "Spike" Cohen (born June 28, 1982) is an American activist, entrepreneur, and podcaster. He is the Libertarian Party's nominee for vice president of the United States in the 2020 election. Guest Website(s): Muddied Waters Of Jo Jorgensen 2020 Music Provided By: Psycho DeVilles - “Thrills for Sure” Reckless Ones - “Cold Hands” --- Support this podcast:
Jun 28, 2020
55 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #72: The Spirit of Lamont! (w/Jacob Lamont)
Show Summary: How can you tell if someone running for office will do a good job? How can you ensure that he or she will improve your party, not get your party further into debt? How can you figure out whether this candidate is going to uphold libertarian principles and take a thoughtful, incremental approach to your party’s problems? Today we ask the hard questions, with up and coming candidate for LNC chair Jacob Lamont. Is he principled? Is he honest? We think so. This show you cannot miss! About the Guest: Jacob Lamont has been an activist for over 26 years and became officially active in the libertarian party in 2014. Prior to that, he was resistant to joining any groups or political organizations due to his fierce individualistic nature. Having been homeschooled and raised in a home with libertarian ideals, Jacob’s evolution into a politically active libertarian was an organic extension of his upbringing. Shortly after joining the libertarian party he was elected to the region one director position and still holds that position to this day. In 2015 he ran for office in the 42nd District of Washington State representative. Currently he is a member of several political discussion groups in his county; one secular and the other conservative. He spends a lot of time focusing on outreach efforts to explain libertarian ideology and in organizing libertarian movements. He holds the Libertarian Statement of Principles close to his heart and knows that it is the underpinning of the libertarian party. He believes that it is The Statement of Principles that set us apart from any other political group. Guest Website(s): Jacob Lamont Music Provided By: Voodoo Swing - "Muricka" Reckless Ones - "Red Room" Hillbilly Hellcats - "Double Time" --- Support this podcast:
May 26, 2020
58 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #71: Don’t Comply! (w/ Matthew Short)
Show Summary: What disasters should one plan for? What are some of the things that everyone should be ready for? And ultimately Why should we prep instead of panic? It could be anything from economic collapse, social unrest, food shortages, unchecked violence, an energy crisis, rampant disease, or martial law…or a combination of these issues. Today we are talking with Matthew Short. Matthew is public relations director at, co-host of the dontcomply show, survivalist, and open carry activist. About the Guest:  Matthew Short, is public relations director at , co-host of the dontcomply show, survivalist, and open carry activist. Guest Website(s): Music Provided By: Reckless Ones - “Dead End Bitch” Reckless Ones - “Reckless Ones” The Pioneers - “No Broken Glass” --- Support this podcast:
May 17, 2020
59 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #70: Kokesh on Corona (w/ Adam Kokesh)
Show Summary: Despite all the governmental actions, from lockdowns to bailouts, the current coronavirus pandemic is a calling for libertarian action. Lockdowns sit uneasily with libertarian instincts. What can be done? Today we talk to Adam Kokesh with his thoughts on the Corona Virus, and his campaign running for the Libertarian presidential nomination. It’s a show you don’t want to miss! About the Guest:  Adam Kokesh was born on February 1, 1982 in California. Growing up he played sports every season and read numerous books at the encouragement of his parents. His interest in science and technology led him to many science fair victories and NASA's Space Camp. After middle school, where he played trumpet in the band and basketball, at the encouragement of a friend of a parent who was a former Marine, he went to "Devil Pups," a junior boot camp-style citizenship and fitness program hosted by the Marines at Camp Pendleton. In high school he participated in Model UN, taught silversmithing classes, and founded a campus radio station. During the summers he worked at a print shop and with horses. He is the only non-native to graduate from the Native American Preparatory School formerly of San Miguel County, New Mexico. He received his bachelor's degree in Psychology from Claremont McKenna College where he played rugby, sang in the choir, and competed with the ballroom dance team. Guest Website(s): Music Provided By: The Chop Tops - "Sun Down" Hillbilly Hellcats - "Rockiness Cat in Town" Joey Altruda - "The Big Payoff" Juke Joint Gamblers - "Fire!"1 --- Support this podcast:
May 9, 2020
59 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #69: Anarcho Christian! (w/ Stephen)
Show Summary: Stephen from Anarcho-Christian podcast joins Johnny and Raylene to dig deep into the spirituality of libertarianism, despite the masses' fear of organized religion, dogma, and statism in the philosophy. Christian Libertarianism is a synthesis of Christian beliefs concerning free will, human nature, and God-given inalienable rights. Listen for a fresh perspective on who's more dangerous, a Christian statist or an atheist anarchist and see for yourself that there's room for all of us in this movement. About the Guest:  Stephen is Saved, Forgiven, and Regenerated. Guest Website(s): Music Provided By: Ray Condo and His Hardrock Goners - “Crazy Mixed Up World” Ralph Rebel - “Wild Saxophone” Mars Attacks - “Snatch It n’ Grab it” --- Support this podcast:
Apr 24, 2020
58 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #68: Insure This! (w/ Moral Bob)
Show Summary: Johnny and Raylene have a great discussion with Moral Bob about how free markets would utilize private insurance with no government interference. Bob gets into an in-depth analysis of how free markets are not just the logical solution, they are the moral solution. Never forget, though we may not have a specific answer for how to solve every problem that could arise in a liberated world, without regulations and cronyism, big bold and creative minds WILL find them! Let's talk about unleashing these markets and let people protect themselves, their property, and find a sense of safety without theft, regulations, and violence. We think you'll really like this new mover and shaker, Moral Bob, who has a knack for simplifying the tough questions into "is this right or wrong" and coming out on the side of freedom, every time. About the Guest:  Moral Bob is a single father, small business owner, and a voluntaryist podcast host on “Conversations About Freedom” podcast. Bob has been tired of seeing the destruction of a once amazing country by tyranny, corruption, and force. Bob is a self-proclaimed rebel, an anarchist, and a warrior for freedom. Moral Bob’s show “conversations about freedom is a show asking hard question focused not only on how the govt is violating our rights but how we move forward in a better way. With the core principles of individual rights and peaceful solutions to problems. You can find it on all the major pod catchers. Guest Website(s): Conversations about Freedom (Facebook) Conversations about Freedom (Spotify) Music Provided By: Ray Condo and His Hardrock Goners - “Crazy Mixed Up World” Ralph Rebel - “Wild Saxophone” Mars Attacks - “Snatch It n’ Grab it” --- Support this podcast:
Apr 5, 2020
59 min
Blast Off! With Johnny Rocket Episode #67: Zoning Madness! (w/ Ben O’Neill)
Show Summary: Show Summary: Can Zoning protect and enhance property values? Does zoning prevent the mixing of incompatible land? We’re told, without the zoning of neighborhoods and cities, they would be crowded and chaotic. Would there be brothels near preschools and skyscrapers in your neighborhood? Is this all untrue? This week on Blast Off! Johnny Rocket is joined with guest co-host Sherry Voluntary, and Professor Ben O’Neill, a research fellow at the Australian National University. Professor O’Neill is here on the show to shed light on the subject of zoning laws. Government zoning laws do not merely operate more arbitrarily and less efficiently than voluntary restrictive covenants, it restricts freedom. It’s Zoning Madness! About the Guest:  Ben is a statistician and data scientist in NCEPH. He is interested in statistical methodology and theory, and applied statistical analysis. His main area of research is sampling theory and prediction problems, and he is also interested in statistical programming and applied data analysis in R. In his role at NCEPH, Ben collaborates with other researchers on research projects relating to population health, and he provides statistical advice relating to survey and experimental design, collection and analysis of data, statistical modeling, graphical presentation of results, and reproducible data analysis. Ben has a broad range of academic interests including mathematics, statistics, economics, philosophy, and law. Prior to joining ANU (Australian National University), he worked as Lecturer in Statistics at UNSW, and he has also undertaken various statistical consulting roles in industry and government. He has previously practiced as a lawyer. Guest Website(s): Ben O’Neill educational Ben O’Neill Mises Site --- Support this podcast:
Mar 28, 2020
59 min
Blast Off! with Johnny Rocket Special #8: The Covid Frenzy! (w/ Sherry Voluntary) [Explicit]
On this special edition of Blast Off! Johnny is joined with popular podcaster Sherry Voluntary to discuss the ridiculousness of the Corona Virus Frenzy. We also discuss the state's sudden grab for power, the incredible amount of spending in coronavirus bill, and how important liberty truly is! So, don't miss this heartwarming after school special. --- Support this podcast:
Mar 27, 2020
55 min
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