The answer is obviously yes. I have, and you will find out how in this episode.
Jan 12, 2022
17 min

Today I'm reviewing some of the nastiest things people have done on TLC's Extreme Cheapskates and letting you know if they are really budget friendly or if they are just disgusting. No hate, but come on. Some of you guys are just wilding.
Sep 15, 2021
31 min

It's just the month end chillin' episode, where I talk about nothing in particular and you pretty much learn nothing at all. Just becoming a real human being behind a microphone. Happy Wednesday
Jul 28, 2021
18 min

Well - the real question, is it? I'm going to go over the confusing algorithm of TikTok and if being an influencer is even feasible anymore.
Jul 21, 2021
20 min

Happy Wednesday my dudes! This episode is about my issues of speaking publicly, how absolutely embarrassing I am and why it's a trained skill to give speeches.
Jul 18, 2021
25 min

Hey everyone! Sorry for the break I took, I missed you. This episode is about Pyramid Schemes and why they make my blood boil. Happy Wednesday kids.
Jul 7, 2021
25 min

On today's episode we're going through some of the Get Rich Quick schemes (or not schemes) that financial gurus are suggesting. With the rise of social media it's good to be smart with where you put your time as well as your money. I'm going through the personal ways I tried to make money based off of major suggestions from TikTok.
Apr 21, 2021
20 min

I think I am going to continue uploading these less serious month end episodes because they're not as heavy as the rest! You guys are awesome. Today we're talking about MLMs, finance gurus, and hustlers.
Mar 31, 2021
22 min

Today's episode is about moving in together, common law, and marriage. This one jumps from basic conversations to the realities of living together. We also touch down on what common law really is and how to legally get married. Remember protect your assets, your heart being one of them.
Mar 24, 2021
17 min

What is freelancing, what are the steps to becoming a freelancer, and why should I do it? In today's episode we're talking about taxes, target audience, and the pros and cons of becoming a freelancer.
Mar 17, 2021
21 min
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