Beyond the Measure Podcast

Beyond the Measure

Christian and Kara Fortner
Listen as Christian, a young composer, and Kara, a young choir director, interview music educators in order to learn the "ins and outs" of their success in the classroom. This is the perfect podcast for beginning and veteran music educators alike, as well as composers and music students. It's time to go beyond the measure! Brought to you by Christian Fortner Music.
#16: The Makers of Music and the Dreamers of Dreams
As the school year begins, we wanted to simply share with you all some words of encouragement. Please take them to heart as you begin and continue throughout the school year, and remember that what do matters. What you do changes lives. And therefore, what you do changes the world.Want a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Aug 15, 2022
14 min
#15: 12 Accessible Tools to Make Your Life Easier in the Music Classroom
As the new school year begins, we wanted to share 12 tools that can help you in your everyday tasks in the music classroom. Most of these are either free or very cheap and can make a big difference!Want a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list! tape for making a staff on your whiteboard:
Aug 8, 2022
42 min
#14: How to Work with Middle Schoolers in the Music Classroom | With Lyndsey Ransford
Everybody knows it: Middle Schoolers are quite the adventure to work with in any classroom, but especially in a musical setting. Lyndsey Ransford, Head Choral Director at Craig Middle School, joins us on this week's episode to talk about the best ways to work with middle school students, how to get them to participate, how to motivate them to do their best work, and ultimately create a culture of safety and support for them!Follow the Craig Middle School choir on Instagram! a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Aug 1, 2022
58 min
#13: How Classroom Structure Sets the Stage for Success | With Wendy Weeks
This week, Wendy Weeks, head choral director at Abilene High School, joins us to talk about the importance of having structure in your classroom from day 1, and how it affects the rest of the teaching and learning experience for both you and your students. Follow the Abilene High School choirs on Instagram! a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Jul 25, 2022
1 hr 11 min
#12: Patience and Authenticity as a Composer and Teacher | With Remel Derrick
In this week's episode, choral composer and assistant choral director at Abilene High School, Remel Derrick joins us on the podcast to discuss his composition and publishing processes, as well as how it applies to the classroom and our lives overall. This is a great episode for teachers who are just beginning to dip their toes into composition, and likewise for young composers who are just beginning to work on getting their music published and ready for the classroom.Purchase Remel's music on J.W. Pepper: requesting commissions and other inquiries, contact Remel at [email protected] a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Jul 18, 2022
1 hr 2 min
#11: How To Stay Grounded Through Physical, Mental, and Emotional Habits | With Serayah Peters
Serayah Peters is a private vocal instructor, as well as the director of the a-cappella group BackBeat from Chorus Abilene. She joins us on this week's episode to discuss habits that help us stay grounded throughout our work - to have a foundation - physically, mentally, spiritually, and more. We also talk about how to connect to students and why most issues we face usually come down to our own mindset!Check out Serayah's Vocal Studio: check out BackBeat! a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Jul 11, 2022
1 hr 13 min
#10: Techniques for Efficiency in Rehearsal | With Travis Lowery
In this episode, Director of Music Ministries at First United Methodist Church Stephenville and Assistant Conductor of the Abilene Chamber Singers, Travis Lowery joins us to discuss a variety of topics, including young vs. old and amateur vs. professional ensembles, the benefits of having a performance background, and how to be efficient in rehearsals.Check out the choir at First United Methodist Church: more information about the Abilene Chamber Singers, visit their website: a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Jun 27, 2022
1 hr 14 min
#9: The School Year is Over! Let's Reflect.
If you're a teacher or student, congratulations on getting through the school year! This week, the Fortners reflect on Kara's first full year of teaching, what she did well, and what she could improve upon next year. This is the perfect episode to think about your past year and what you plan to do differently going forward!Want a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
Jun 21, 2022
49 min
#8: What To Do When Starting a New Music Program | With Brady McNeil
Brady McNeil, Director of Bands at McMurry University, joins us on this week's episode to talk about how he began a new choral program at a large high school, the pros and cons of getting your graduate and doctoral degrees early, and the benefit of teaching a variety of ensembles.Learn more about the McMurry School of Music: the McMurry Band on Instagram! a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
May 30, 2022
1 hr 7 min
#7: The Art of Collaboration in Music | With Abigail Payne
In this episode, Abigail Payne, Executive Director of Chorus Abilene, joins us to discuss the necessity of collaboration within ensembles, schools, and the community. We also talk about doing what's necessary vs. what you want, and how to use circumstantial constrictions as an opportunity for creativity.For more info about Chorus Abilene, contact:[email protected](325) 675-SINGor check them out online!Website: a free piece of music for your ensemble to perform? Join Christian's mailing list!
May 23, 2022
1 hr 11 min
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