Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever
Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever
Joe Fairless
JF722: 23-Year-Old Builds 26 Homes and How He Funds Million Dollar Deals
22 minutes Posted Aug 24, 2016 at 6:18 am.
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Hold on to your hat, he's 23 and he is putting together million dollar deals constructing 26 brand new homes. He's young and highly driven, and he's rocking the Nashville, Tennessee market. Hear how he found funding for this project and all other deals. Best Ever Tweet: Don't use your own money. Devan McClish Real Estate Background: -  Owner of McClish Properties -  Completed over 60 deals -  23 year old currently developing several homes currently -  Based in Nashville, Tennessee -  Say hi at Facebook Devan McClish -  Best Ever Book The Intelligent Investor

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