Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever
Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever
Joe Fairless
JF614: How to Avoid Securities Fraud and Properly Raise Capital #skillsetsunday
27 minutes Posted May 8, 2016 at 6:14 am.
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Everyone hears about crowd funding today on the radio, podcasts, and many publications. It didn't always work that way. Thanks to some recent securities laws established a few years ago, it is much easier to build crowdfunding platforms and advertise the activity. Our best ever guest plays a big role in many crowdfunding operations today, tune in!

Best Ever Tweet: It's much easier now to raise money, take advantage of it. Mark Roderick real estate background:

  • More than 25 years of experience as has in-depth knowledge on capital raising and securities law
  • He spearheads Flaster Greenberg’s Crowdfunding Practice and works with investors and crowdfunding portals
  • Based in Philadelphia, PA
  • Say hi to him at

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