Beloved Journal Podcast

Beloved Journal

The Rev. Rob Lee
What matters most to us in times of consequence? Is it wealth? Is it prestige and power? Is it likes or favorites? To me, what I hope to center is that friendship, family, empathy, compassion, quirkiness, humor, and hope will win out even amidst the fray of this transient and turbulent life. My name is Rob Lee, I’m a pastor, public theologian, and author working at the intersection of faith and public life. I want this podcast to be a place where I interview those people who are exemplifying what it means to exist with complete abandon in this life.
The Rev. Dr. Amy Butler
Today on the podcast we welcome the Rev. Dr. Amy Butler to Beloved Journal. Amy's recently released book, "Beautiful and Terrible Things" speaks to her journey through ministry and life. Dr. Butler is currently serving as the Designated Pastor of Community Church of Honolulu in Hawaii. She was the seventh Senior Minister of the Riverside Church, and the first woman to serve in that role. She also held pastorates at Calvary Baptist Church in Washington DC and St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans. She is also the founder of Invested Faith. Check out Amy's new book: Beautiful and Terrible Things. Check out Invested Faith.
Oct 21, 2023
25 min
The Rev. Dr. Greg DeLoach
Today on the podcast we welcome the Rev. Dr. Greg DeLoach to the podcast. Dean DeLoach is currently serving as Dean of the McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University. He is a native of Eatonton, Georgia, and has pastored congregations throughout the state for nearly three decades, including places like Mansfield, Chickamauga, Marietta, and Augusta. Following 10 years as senior pastor of First Baptist Church Augusta, he became executive director of Development Disabilities Ministries, an Atlanta-based nonprofit that serves adults with developmental disabilities and their families through operation of 19 homes across Georgia. In February 2017, he joined the development staff at Mercer, having previously served on the University’s Board of Trustees. He was named Interim Dean in 2018, and appointed Dean in 2021. Recently many have been captivated with his Tik Toks on the subject of death and dying for the course he’s teaching in the spring for Mercer University. You can audit this hybrid class whether you’re in Georgia or beyond so be sure to reach out to him if what we talk about today interests you.
Oct 15, 2023
41 min
Dr. Gary Scott Smith
Dr. Gary Scott Smith is Professor of History, Emeritus at Grove City College where he taught from 1978-2017. He chaired the History Department while at the college. He holds a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, along with a Master of Arts and PhD from Johns Hopkins University. He has written extensively on the faith of the United States Presidents and its considered an expert in the field. He’s also written books on Jackie Robinson’s, Winston Churchill’s, and Hillary Clinton’s faith.  Dr. Smith currently serves on my dissertation committee at Pacific School of Religion, as my doctoral work is on the faith of the American presidency. I certainly felt like I was sitting at the feet of a master in this podcast so I hope you enjoy it. With that in mind, let’s listen in.
Oct 1, 2023
32 min
Dr. Greg Garrett
Today on the show we have Dr. Greg Garrett. Greg is the Carole Ann McDaniel Hanks Chair of Literature and Culture at Baylor University. His new book with Orbis Books is titled “The Gospel According to James Baldwin: What America’s Great Prophet Can Teach Us About Life, Love and Identity.”  Greg holds degrees from The University of Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, and the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest. He also serves as Canon Theologian at the American Cathedral In Paris. I loved Greg’s book and I hope you will check it out. Anyway, let’s listen in.  PS--Be sure to check out Greg's recent novel, mentioned in the podcast "Bastille Day" that came out earlier this year.
Sep 16, 2023
34 min
The Rt. Rev. Frank Logue
The Rt. Rev. Frank Logue is the XI Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia, a diocese that traces its roots back to 1733. A graduate of Georgia Southern University and Virginia Theological Seminary, he served from 2010-2020 as Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese before being elected Bishop for the diocese in November of 2019. He was ordained a Bishop in May of 2020. He is married to Victoria and they have a daughter, Griffin, who is a veterinarian in Albuquerque, New Mexico.   An Important Note for you: In this episode there is discussion of recent controversy surrounding mounting critique of the Episcopal Church’s Title IV canon. A canon in this instance (as opposed to what was mentioned above) is a term used to describe laws that govern the church’s work in the world. Title IV surrounds issues of harassment, sexual misconduct, and discrimination. For more information on this particular issue that the Bishop that I speak about I encourage you to visit the Episcopal News Service website that has provided stellar coverage on this. I just wanted to make you aware of some inside-baseball talk you might not be familiar with.
Sep 9, 2023
36 min
Rabbi Michael Siegel
Rabbi Michael Siegel is Senior Rabbi at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago. Anshe Emet is a large synagogue that he has served in a rabbinic capacity since 1982 when he first came on staff, over 40 years ago. He is a gifted Rabbi and the fruits of his labor shows with the hard work he puts in for the synagogue. Today we have the Rabbi on to discuss Adam Sandler’s new movie “You Are So Not Invited to my Bat Mitzvah” which you can stream on Netflix now, and we encourage you to do so. The Rabbi and Rev. Rob Lee will discuss how the movie impacted each of them from their perspectives. We will say there are some spoilers but they are light and don’t ruin the overall narrative arc, so we feel like you’re safe to listen regardless of whether you’ve seen it or not.
Sep 2, 2023
36 min
Athena and Phoenix Lee
On the 2nd anniversary of the Lee girls' legal adoption and becoming a forever family, host of Beloved Journal and aspiring SuperDad sits down with the girls to discuss their likes, dislike, passions, and interests as they round the corner on the second year of their family being complete. Note: Unlike other episodes of Beloved Journal, at the end of the interview section our host returns to tell his side of the adoption story along with offering suggestions for those who might be interested in the work and life of adopting children from his perspective.
Jul 21, 2023
22 min
Jake Tapper
We are excited to share with you our Beloved Journal interview with Jake Tapper. CNN Anchor and Chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper joined the network in January 2013. Tapper currently anchors an award-winning two-hour weekday program, The Lead with Jake Tapper, which debuted in March 2013. He has hosted CNN’s Sunday morning show, State of the Union, since June 2015. In April 2021, he became the lead anchor for CNN for Washington, D.C. events. In 2015 and 2020 he hosted presidential debates for both the Republican and Democratic parties. Prior to joining CNN, Tapper was Senior White House Correspondent for ABC News. He’s a graduate of Dartmouth College, and has won multiple awards for his journalistic excellence. He sits down with the Rev. Rob Lee to discuss among other things his newest work of fiction, All the Demons Are Here—a thriller and part of his series of fiction novels. All the Demons Are Here was released on July 11th, 2023.
Jul 15, 2023
28 min
The Rev. Dr. Jonathan C. Augustine
The Rev. Dr. Jonathan C. Augustine (a/k/a “Jay Augustine”) currently serves as senior pastor of St. Joseph AME Church, in Durham, North Carolina, and as general chaplain of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is an accomplished author, respected academic leader, and nationally recognized social justice advocate who speaks for the equality of all human beings. He joins us on Beloved Journal to speak about his book, "When Prophets Preach: Leadership and the Politics of the Pulpit." You can order a copy of his highly acclaimed book here.
Jul 8, 2023
31 min
The Rev. Peter Wallace
The Rev. Peter M. Wallace is the outgoing Executive Director of Day 1, a preaching ministry of Mainline Protestant denominations. He is a prolific author and has written many books. You can read more about his books here. Day 1 is a radio broadcast ministry that reaches around 200 radio stations each Sunday with a sermon from one of the great preachers in the United States. The ministry draws on a wealth of denominational diversity and talent to showcase many well-known American preachers. You can find out more about Day 1 by clicking here.
Jul 1, 2023
44 min
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