Gray & Nate discuss how officers are taking stock of their lives and deciding if in this current state it's time to move on or time to buckle down and keep on moving forward. How the media isn't giving us the truth in reporting and how Gray destroyed a phone.
Aug 11, 2020
1 hr 12 min

Amy "Nomad" Morgan swing back through Oklahoma and was able to sit down and give us some big news about Academy Hour and tell us about her travels and things she has experienced. Anytime with Amy always becomes a fun time for us here on Behind The Badge!
Jul 30, 2020
1 hr 28 min

Chris, an FOP President and Lt. from a rural police department here in Oklahoma, joins Gray and Nate to explain what the role of the FOP is in a department and what being an officer in a more rural area is like. Gray and Chris are old friends which made for an entertaining time recording this episode!
Jun 28, 2020
1 hr 38 min

Nate and Gray wade into the pool of current events. They review some of the incidents involving officers and the protests and how it's affecting the role of the police officer in today's society
Jun 16, 2020
1 hr 43 min

Angelo is a Detective Supervisor for an agency in the Oklahoma City Metro area. He has served in the military and worked both federal law enforcement and now in a metro agency as well as serving on a SWAT team. He brings a experienced perspective to give us a peek into the life of a detective.
Jun 5, 2020
1 hr 35 min

In this episode Nate & Gray discuss reality based police shows like Live PD and Cops and the pro's and con's of them. Are they an true portrayal of the job or do they do more harm than good?
May 27, 2020
1 hr 19 min

We feature two special guests from a large metro agency in Oklahoma. Nate & Stefanie Wallach. They have 26 years in dispatching between them and talk about the responsibilities of the job at a large agency as well as balancing work life with home. With both being dispatchers and being married they provide a unique outlook. It was great as a rookie dispatcher to sit down and talk shop and absorb the knowledge of those with many years of experience.
May 12, 2020
1 hr 21 min

On episode 36 of Behind The Badge we discuss the rise in domestic calls, de-escalation and knowing when to use it, opening the world back up and we put on our tinfoil hats and give our opinions on how we are giving up our freedom and how far we are willing to let it go.
Apr 28, 2020
1 hr 48 min

This pandemic is affecting everyone in different ways. The repercussions will last for years but we lay down some facts that put things in perspective. Mix in some humor and discussions and some news stories and you get about an hour to help pass the time. Keep up the good fight everyone!
Apr 14, 2020
1 hr 23 min

On this episode of Behind The Badge we discuss COVID-19 and how it affects us as first responders and Gray drops knowledge and puts Corona in his crosshairs. Listen to hear his take on this whole pandemic.
Mar 28, 2020
1 hr 1 min
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