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you've heard it before that "all beer tastes the same" when referring to "factory beer". the best think of these beers as the lowest common denominator with regards to taste, smell and expectations. they were designed with a precarious balancing act in mind which makes a beer that tastes like something, has a buzz inducing quality and is cost effective to make while maximizing profits. add in a little advertising to tell people what they want (and expect) and wha-laa fizzy yellow beer that is consumed by zillions of people. what we found echos our previous findings:you can taste the difference between all four of these beers.they aren't very good when you compare this beers to craft the right context any of these beers could be refreshing.if you do your homework you may come to a similar conclusion.homework:get four factory beers and try them side-by-side-by-side-by-side. you don't have to drink the whole beer. be sure to talk about the things that you are tasting: sweet, bitter, crispness, mouth feel and the carbonation. bonus homework is to compare the same beer in bottles and cans because there is a difference sometimes. the cans are on the show:Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors and Coors LightDogfish Head Festina Pechecall the Beer School Robot!424-242-3375Beer School everywhere: JohnFoster and BeerSchool on Twitter.comBe sure to visit City Beer Store, Toronado and 21st Amendment in San Francisco, CAEmail us at [email protected]Good noon! Recorded in San Francisco on 8/14/2011.Beer School and "The Homework is Beer" are a trademarks of Ayer Media, Inc.© 2011 Ayer Media, Inc.