Beer School Podcast
Beer School
John Foster, Motor and special Guests
Beer School
John Foster, Motor and special Guests
We're here to help you and your friends learn to like more than one kind of beer. There's lots of different beers to like. Some are made right down the street from where you live and others have to travel half way around the world to get to you. Learn why beer tastes like it does, how other styles came about, and all the verbs you might use to describe what you are tasting. The best part is the home work is beer! Beer School topics include: beer, culture, brewing, stories, guides to styles and much, much, more. You don't have to like every beer but don't drink the same beer day after day.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 52 days
Latest episode
13 years ago
September 12, 2011
All content for Beer School is the property of John Foster, Motor and special Guests and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podbay in any way.