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Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, RubyMotor has two favorite beers that he will defend to the end. one of them is Ruby from McMenamins. the McMenamins have made an empire of interesting old buildings around Washington and Oregon. we counted 65 places from there list. it's possile that there were some duplicates. but anything over 10 is a lot of places from a property point of view. okay so we got the fruit wrong because we didn't look it up. it's raspberries not blackberries. same thing if you ask me. one is just darker and they look the on the show:RubyHammer Head (IPA)http://www.mcmenamins.comcall the Beer School Robot!424-242-3375Beer School everywhere: JohnFoster and BeerSchool on Twitter.comBe sure to visit City Beer Store in San Francisco, CAEmail us at [email protected]Good noon! Recorded in San Francisco on 5/29/2010.Beer School and "The Homework is Beer" are a trademarks of Ayer Media, Inc.© 2010 Ayer Media, Inc.