Be the Village Podcast Podcast

Be the Village Podcast

Emily Cruse
We allow for perspectives and gaining understanding of community needs. Being open-minded and giving everyone a voice. You cannot help if you do not listen for understanding!
Episode 11 Teaser
Just a few highlights that you find in episode 11. 
Jun 26, 2020
5 min
Episode 11-More Candid Conversation
Cece Hayward discusses local issues: food deserts, health care, school choice, protests, mentorship, officers. She does not "sugar coat" anything. She has an amazing amount of knowledge and charism. She is open-minded and also a tremendous advocate to her children and other people of color. You don't want to miss this!
Jun 25, 2020
1 hr 46 min
Episode 10-Candid conversation-Race PART 2
Listen as we talk candidly with more local mothers of black males in a discussion about race. We are committed to learning and listening to important stakeholders in the BAM community, parents! #Bethevillagepodcast #listenonspotify #Empathy #listenforunderstanding #Ifeel
Jun 16, 2020
52 min
Episode 9-Cadid Conversation-Race
Listen as we talk candidly with three local mothers of black males in a discussion about race. We are committed to learning and listening to important stakeholders in the BAM community, parents! #Bethevillagepodcast #listenonspotify #Empathy #listenforunderstanding#Ifeel
Jun 10, 2020
1 hr 2 min
Episode 8-Advocating for Child with Special Needs
Can you imagine? "We are a circle and your child is a square". Two young mothers discuss struggles they have faced when seeking help for their sons with special needs. Each family has a unique set of circumstances; yet, they are both navigating the difficult world of special education and acceptance.
Jun 4, 2020
52 min
The Heart Coach
The Story of a local Charlestonian who went from struggling as a teenage mother and an abusive relationship to Thriving now coach, author, agent and so much more!
Jun 4, 2020
33 min
Episode 5 The Ultimate Stakeholder
A child's first teacher is their parent. In order to make changes in our community, we need parent buy-in. What do parents have to say. Do you have a similar experience? 
May 12, 2020
58 min
Episode 4-Intentional Charity
We need to often ask tough questions of ourselves. What is the purpose behind what I am doing and will it propel or hurt those around me.
May 12, 2020
33 min
Episode 3-Men in Education
Hear from two young males about the reason they are in education and the need for more males. 
May 12, 2020
35 min
Episode 2-Trauma Informed
What does it mean to be Trauma and Informed and why is important that all people understand. Hear from experts.
May 12, 2020
56 min
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