Scott Kesterson
via Podcasts
Feel Inspired & Closer To The Lord
Find your heart feeling challenged, more courageous and closer to our Lord Jesus after listening to Scott speak, interview, and share stories with insights on the world—all centered on God’s Word. He shows up filled with Holy Spirit and appears to make use of every gift and talent with which our Father has blessed him.
Scott Kesterson is a patriot
Love his take in things and the prevalence of God in all he does.
Best Podcast Ever
I accidentally stumbled upon this podcast about 2.5 years ago. All it took was one listen out of curiosity and ive been hooked since. I listen to this podcast every day and have incorporated into my daily schedule to stay on top of it. In fact, its also encouraged me to do the same and start becoming a voice to the masses. Scott is a very blessed man and these podcasts are everything that everyone needs to hear. Especially in these times ahead. Blessings..
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Robert James in Michigan
Dwindling in quality and relevance
Bards was once my go to podcast for news and guidance, but no more. The show has been reduced to weeks of promotion of Bardsfest, an event attended by less than 500 people, then weeks of follow up and discussion after the event, plus weeks of traveling to and from this and various other events surrounded by way too many personal stories that are rapidly losing touch with the majority of people. The conversations with other guests are aimless and casual, almost as though you’re listening in on someone’s private personal conversations. He has also jumped back and forth on the whole “military is in control” narrative from ridiculing believers to slandering Gen. Flynn when he ridiculed believers, to finally coming full circle and telling us once again that the military and white hats are conducting an operation behind the scenes. It seems as though Scott believes that his view is the only true perspective, that his tiny following is the one only true remnant, and that Bards Nation is the only future for America. This is a very narrow minded and self centered view that excludes way too many, including me now, unfortunately.
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Dr. Merritt
I absolutely look forward to your interviews with Dr. Merritt! Thanks Scott!!!!
Free Patriot Tim
Great mix of Relationship with Father and news
We need both in this world and Scott does a great job of giving us both. One of my can’t miss podcasts!
Favorite Christian newscast
Scott is fantastic. I recommend this show to everyone. My only critique is that I wish Scott referenced his clips. He has excellent sound bites and we don’t know who they are or where to find them.
I survived,
My journey had a lot of bumps and I am amazed I survived through most of those bumps. My Father is amazing. He is my Super Hero. Plus He is our Father, not just “Father”, our Father.
Scott thanks for all you do. Please Pray for my husband and our family.
Always looking for different ways to garden. She even has herbs for health. Maybe listeners will go. Love your show. God Bless you Scott for all you do.
Labeling your podcasts
Scott when I try to share an episode they are hard to there a better way?? Lol me I can't find the Carrie Madej one, if you could date them, make it simple!! Please
We were chosen for this moment
I love this podcast. It is informative and inspiring. The host, Scott Kesterson, is a bold voice for truth. He calls out all charlatans and frauds, and doesn’t play party politics. The choice of intro and outro music and recordings, inspire your patriotism, and prepare you for the fight ahead against the suicidal one world psychopaths.
Great Podcast
I have been part of bard’s army since 2019! Get alot of great information and Spiritual knowledge from Scott! Well worth a listen!
Not accurate about Trump speech
Listen to the whole speech and try again
Scott and Vera interview
Wow. Incredible interview. Definitely a must hear for everyone! We must stand firm against evil.
AZ Horse Gal
What’s up lately?
For years now Scott has done some of the most beautiful heartfelt deeply honest and powerful prayers I have ever heard in my lifetime, I hardly recognize his praying style lately and I miss so much the amazing prayertime I used to have with him; I think it might have been the best part of the podcast😢
My Favorite Podcast
Thanks Scott for sharing Truth in these troubled times. May God Bless You, All of your Listeners, America and the Whole World.
Good Christian message,
I unfortunately wrote something I should not have written. I like this podcast, and I like most of what you say. I went through a tough time dealing with my best friend moving away from me, and I was very worried. I let my emotions cloud my judgement and I jumped to conclusions. Yet again I have been proven that adults minds are much stronger than my hormone influenced teenage brain. I should not have said those things, and I should have kept my feelings to myself until I could deal with them and think logically and clearly as I now am able to. My friends family has enjoyed much success in the months since I wrote that comment, and I am proud of my best friends fledgling knife business. Thankfully, I have been forgiven for my words, and I can see the good that has come out of the situation. I meant no disrespect Bards, and I want to apologize for my words to you as well. I may not agree with some of what you say, but the hope and Godly message you bring to peoples lives are amazing, and I have often found peace in them.
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Excellent message every time!
Scott, you’re gift of speaking and intertwining God’s word into the message, along with real life applications is wonderful! I hate to miss any of your shows, but when I do I go back to catch up. God bless you for all your hard work to bring these messages to us.
I'm a King's Kid
The real deal
Christ is at the center of it all. Thank you. Your intelligence is off the charts. 😎
Never miss an episode
Seriously I think I have listened to every episode over the last few years with hardly a miss. I love how Scott keeps it real and biblical as well. God bless you Scott!
The Mighty Van Halen ! !
Love this!!!
A friend shared this podcast with me and I have absolutely loved every single episode!! We need more of this in the world and less of the other nonsense! Thank you! Thank you for your words, your heart and soul and al that you give to others! ♥️
Living in Washington state my husband and I can relate to how hard it is to live in a Democratic state. We have always done a garden. This year my husband put up a green house and we have boosted up our garden. I bought a dehydrator and one of those plastic wrap sealers. We have drawn closer to our LORD Jesus Christ. Praying together every night for our kids and their families and our country. We have not taken the shot. We rely on our LORD Jesus Christ to take care of us. Thank you for all the information. You have definitely influenced our lives.
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Great podcasts. Very informative in these days of uncertainty.
The only question I have is regarding the COVID VACCINE and it’s relation and link to HIV as Scott talks about on his podcast. Are those who have gotten the vaccine really at risk for developing HIV from it? Are there hidden dangers within the vaccine? I’d like to know more as to where this information came from.
a unique creation
Best. Ever.
Worth it ~ just for the Prayers 🙏🏼
Hello Scott, why are you supporting Redpill78 and not ToreSays? She was deplatformed from Twitch and no support for her. She’s been doing amazing work this past year and no one says her name. She’s suing Dominion all on her own. She’s also running for Secretary of State in Ohio. She has brought together many Patriots across the world and taken action to take back our nation. What has Zack @Redpill78 done?
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Hi fellow warrior Scott k. We love you brother. I find it interesting brother at this years PAGANBOWL it was played in the bowels of the earth in massive worship of the RAM god baal in the city of FALLEN ANGELS. BLESSINGS
Look Forward To Each New Episode!
Thank you for creating this and leading with faith🙏
Thank you
You have no idea how much your words influence me.
My favorite Podcast!
Great job! I’m proud of what you’re doing!
Essential, relentless Christ lead guidance
If the past two years has not been enough to draw you fully into a complete and utter commitment to and passion for Christ then perhaps Scott Kesterson’s podcast will let you realize there is no other direction to go. I’ve never heard him claim to be a preacher, but Kesterson brings the heart, open-mindedness, and deep analysis driven to action that sets a tone and motivates me to correct and heal, redirect and redefine my life and relentlessly search and develop Gods purpose for me. Bards FM is highly information, including interviews with world class knowledge and wisdom. This podcast is a true find! Throw yourself into it.
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Thankful, great full, appreciate
God bless Scott K and Bards FM-a true blessing to me. I listen to his podcast in the morning with my coffee as I wake up.
Spiritual bread
Just cause the truth is cold and hard doesn’t make it any less true. This man delivers truth everyday, he helps Godly men decipher events of today into the spiritual warfare we are responsible as followers of Christ to partake in. Man can’t live on bread alone, but every word that comes from the Father.
Big Bag of Nothing
This podcast is about as good as the X22 podcast. In other words, not very good. Today Bardy talked about Dominion voting machines being rigged. Does he realize that the hand count in Georgia matched the Dominion count?
Thank you
Thank you for sending a message that’s centered in God. I listen to a lot people’s and you’re one of a very few voices out there with a show centered around nothing more than the return to God. That’s what I feel the bottom line is about everything going on around us right now and I appreciate your focus on pointing people to seek that relationship with the almighty God.
Walter's last stand
Can’t find Scott
I don’t drink coffee, can I get something that will support my health without this product or should I start using this product?
Eyes Forward
You’re an exemplary American man, Scott. Keep up the great work, sir! God bless you for pulling together Bardsfest. Heard it was pretty rad.
Outpost Design Bureau
Bards FM
Outstanding podcasts!
Freedom Way
Where’s Scott?
Haven’t seen any new episodes since September 4, 2021. If anyone knows anything about what’s going on with Scott please drop some intel in the comments. Thanks.
What is with the speed talking are you doing drugs lol
Slow down it’s not even enjoyable to listen to
Keep the faith!
So many emotions come when I listen to Scott. I feel like I’m ready for whatever is coming. Also, when he brings up issues I say “IKR?!!” Love this podcast, the music intro and the ending. Spot on!👍🏼 If people would only remember how much God loves us and values us, things would be different.
Some days I feel like I just need more God! Scott always comes through and inserts the best prayers! Thank you!
Buford's Mom
The Time Has Arrived
WOW!! Blow the shofar for all the world to hear. Bards Fest is coming. God is here now. We are the remnant that will hold the line. We are the NIGHTMARE that evil did not know existed. May God ARISE … and May His enemies be SCATTERED
Please get out of Oregon
Truth and encouragement
Speaks truth and encouragement to keep your head in the right place (on God) and I am grateful that he consistently, in every show I’ve listened to so far, he acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the way and our Lord and savior. Amen. Thank you for your voice during this time.
Suppressing the Truth
I used to listen but dropped the show after learning that Scott refused to report on Shadowgate, the AFL-CIO election playbook, and the Kansas Wuhan lab because of the false claims about Tore having stolen valor. It became obvious to me that Scott was either sorely misinformed, or refused to report this information on purpose. I encourage everyone to check out Tore on telegram and listen to what she has to say. We’ve got 50 state groups and are working on taking back power in our country. Everyone tells you who they are in the end, you just have to listen.
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Soothing voice…
For peace of mind, I had to come and listen to this podcast today. God bless you Scott.
Need help
My son is a marine and being pressured to get the jab
minnesota marine dad
It is so encouraging to find a strong believer in our Lord here. Thank you for all the hard work you put in to share your (& my) faith.
Try googling scott kesterson cancer fraud
Better than a preacher
Spot on and explained clearly!
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