Badd Momz Podcast Podcast

Badd Momz Podcast

Badd Momz
Badd Momz Podcast is a podcast where 2 moms, Natalia and Danielle who also happen to be cousins, discuss the good, bad and sometimes ugly parts of motherhood.
Badd Momz Podcast Season II Episode 2: Gentle Parenting or Not
In this episode Nay and Danielle discuss Gentle Patenting or the lack thereof. The conversation gets spicy when the ladies discuss the struggle of navigating motherhood, dating, and wanting to drop it like it’s hot. Take a listen and give us your feedback
Dec 13, 2022
47 min
Badd Momz Podcast: We’re Backkkkk
The hiatus is over and your favorite Badd Momz are backkkk. In this episode, Nay and Danielle discuss what’s been going on individually during their hiatus and a brief chat into mental health and how it’s ok to not be ok. Take a listen
Nov 29, 2022
38 min
Badd Momz Podcast Episode 4: Relationship 101 Part II
The Badd Momz are back with Episode 4 and Part II of Relationship 101 where we discuss preferences, being a Single Mom vs a Single Women and of course what is a Momcast without throwing in some conversation about our little broke best friends... Tune in!!!
Apr 22, 2021
48 min
Episode 3: Badd Momz vs Bad Dads
Welcome to Episode 3 of Badd Momz Podcast where Danielle and Nay give their opinions on fatherhood, old school vs new school dads, and the lack thereof. You don’t want to miss their hilarious weekly “Would You Rather”....
Mar 8, 2021
53 min
Badd Momz Podcast Episode 2: Relationship 101
The Badd Momz are back with Episode 2 where all things relationship are discussed! Nay and Danielle talk Valentine’s Day plans or the lack of, and they even realize that as opposite as they may be they just might share some similarities when it comes to Love vs Loyalty . Take a listen...
Feb 18, 2021
41 min
Badd Momz Podcast Episode 1- The Intro
Take a listen to the very first episode of Badd Momz Podcast as we meet the creators and moms, Natalia and Danielle tell us why they decided to give podcasting a shot...
Feb 1, 2021
29 min