Bad Dates
Bad Dates
SmartLess Media | Wondery
via Podcasts
I want Jamila back!
I gave the new host a few months to settle in, but the show just isn't as good. I'm sorry, but unless Jamila comes back as host, I'm unfollowing.
4 stars for when the show was hosted by Jameela. If I based my review on the current host and guests for that matter, it would be 2 stars. The current host isn’t a good fit. It all feels very forced and awkward, and her constant interruptions/interjections are really annoying. A great podcast that’s now fallen flat for me.
Bring back Jameela!
Not loving the show anymore but loved it last season.
Robby Hoffman is sooo annoying
This episode was so stupid I couldn’t even finish it. What was the point of having Robby Hoffman on? SO ANNOYING!
I love the new host
And think the recent episodes have been great -
Massively disappointed
Man, this used to be the funniest podcast out there. Literally had me in tears! This new season is just painful to listen to. Sad to say I'm giving up on it after the latest episode. Bring back Jamila and I'll happily return.
Went from awesome to unlistenable
Bring back Jameela. I cannot listen to guest host. Unfunny. Unfollowed. Sorry.
Its honestly a tough listen with the guest host, recent guests, and content of the stories. Its just kind of awkward now and doesn’t seem like there’s any chemistry between anyone. I actually had to to stop in the middle of the last episode because it’s such a tough listen. I don’t want to be unkind, I’m so sure the guest host is talented but I don’t think this is the right podcast for her. Giving five stars because that’s what the podcast has the potential to be if you bring back Jameela and screen the stories.
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huge dip in quality
tell me why I just listened to a grown man talk for 10 minutes about a woman’s “haunches” and how her outie belly button grossed him out so much during sex only for him to end his story by saying that he has a “dad bod” that he knows not everyone is into. and then have that followed by another guest talking about her bad date with a man who commented on her body so much it made her uncomfortable. when jameela hosted there were genuinely wild and entertaining stories and a sense of camaraderie among the guests (and they weren’t afraid to acknowledge when THEY were the bad date!) but now it’s just full of disrespectful, vapid stories.
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Jo Stephen
Not the Same
Just not the same with the new season/updates. Used to be SO funny & one of my faves. 😢
Used to be good
I was a big fan but now with the new host- the guests are mediocre at best. They aren’t funny and the stories are boring. Even the host isn’t that funny. If Jameela is coming back then maybe it’s time to end this podcast.
I hate to be so negative…
I know it’s not easy to produce engaging content but this formula is easy. Jameela Jamil was amazing at letting the stories flourish and punctuating them with her unassuming humor. And now the host and guests just step on each other and there is absolutely no room for any amusement or humor to unfold. It’s just vapid. Unsubscribe.
Used to be funny
I don’t have a problem with having a new host but barely any of the new stories are actually stories or even funny. I feel like there needs to be better screening.
No Longer Good
I’m done with this podcast. I loved the earlier ones with Jameela Jamil. But the new host is simply not as charming. But the greater sin is that the stories that the guests are telling lately are really stupid. On the last one that I listened to, the first story was about not liking their date’s pubic hair because it reminded them of Hitler’s mustache, the second one was complaining their date was shorter than their profile had claimed, and the third was a complaint that in high school they had taken their date to a big Broadway show where they had to (Gasp! The horror!) Sit through Rent with the original cast. So many of the earlier stories were crazy adventures. Now they’ve just got drivel.
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Mildly entertaining - significant dip in quality from season 1
A new host should not affect the quality of the stories told by the guests, but now several episodes in on the new season, it’s clear that the stories are less interesting and less funny. Some of the stories are literally “I went up. It felt off. I left.” First season had charm and surprises. Jamila Jamil is engaging - doesn’t matter to me if she’s 100% sincere or not. The new host is fine, but the magic is gone.
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Not the same since host changed
So like the other reviews before me, this show has definitely lost its hilarity and my interest. The host isn’t funny and does this odd thing where she’ll go “I’m dying” or some other emotion/action but she’s not laughing she’s just deadpan. Its so weird. It’s just not enjoyable anymore. The guests are hit or miss. I’ve unfollowed, will look for something else to listen to ☹️
C’mon people
Y’all really had to spend the first 20 minutes of an episode body shaming a woman for having an outie belly button? Disappointing.
Wow, body shaming?
I liked the new host, mostly. But todays guest told a story about how a woman’s “outie” belly button made him gag. He went on at length about how gross her belly button was. I was waiting for the host to call him out on that, but she never did! Why is shaming a woman’s body okay? Especially on a show that used to be hosted by activist Jameela Jamil? Ugh. Not cool.
Used to be one of my favorite shows
Unlike some other reviews, I actually don’t mind the new host. For me, it’s the quality of the guests that feels underwhelming. I understand that not every person is going to be a famous or seasoned comedian, but a lot of the guests just don’t know the art of telling a good story. Then everyone tries to be the funniest person in the room, interrupting and trying to punch up the humor, prolonging a story that’s already a slog. Mostly the recent episodes feel like a beginners improv class at a community college.
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This is obnoxious since Jameela left. It’s raunchy without ANY comedy.
Was one of may favorites…
I used to laugh until I cried. Then came the weeks and weeks of “encores.” Now, finally, new episodes and no Jameela. Just not loving the show and have unfollowed
Where is Jameela?
I loved listening to this podcast when Jameela was hosting! The new host is just too blasé about it all, not enough inflection in her voice or something. The guests have been funny, but it’s just not the same vibe or energy anymore.
It’s ok
Love the concept but it needs a good host who can reign in the constant interruptions and derailing of each story instead of being part of the problem. It gets frustrating that guests can’t get through a single sentence without someone going off on a tangent.
What happened to Jameela?
Still funny. Not as much as the earlier seasons.
New host is meh
Getting ready to unfollow. One more without Jameela and I’m giving up.
Bring Back Jameela !
Love this podcast! Love the concept! The new host is just not for me. So grateful for new content (FINALLY!) I just miss the old host.
New host not appealing—missing Jameela Jamil!
I have really enjoyed this podcast since it began! I don’t generally listen to more sexual/graphic podcasts, and after the first episode with Jameela Jamil hosting, I was hooked! The first new episode with the “guest host” is a completely different energy, tone, pace…and voice. I’m not a fan. Even the opening minute or two with excerpts from the new episode are slow, not funny, and hard to tell who the host is. I’d love to know if the original host is coming back, or if you have other guest hosts lined up who can actually carry the momentum, energy, humor, candor, and voice of Jamil! If not, I’ll sadly be tuning out. :/
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Erin C. M.
What a great voice that we need
I love this podcast, such my humor. Positive, raunchy and just honest
I listen to lots of comedy podcasts but this one is by far my favorite! It could be because I’m currently navigating the hellscape that is dating, or maybe because I share the same crude and shameless sense of humor as the comedians and Jameela. It’s like a best-of reel of my friends and my dating horror story recaps over brunch. I was so worried that it wasn’t returning when they were replaying old episodes but they’re back and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I was missing the joy it brought to my week.
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New season is ok
I hope Jameela gets well and comes back soon. The new host is fine, just miss the energy and hilarious spirit of Jameela. Sadly, it’s just not the same without her. Will be looking out for Jameela to come back and will listen again then.
No Jameela? No show
Jameela hosting is the best thing about it. If yall are replacing her, or she can’t do it, not as fun. I’ll probably tune out.
I love this show but only doing re-releasing for the past 2 months is annoying. Hopefully new content will be releasing soon or unfortunately I will be unsubscribing.
Um… Is the show coming back??
Absolutely love this show and adore Jameela Jamil, but beginning to wonder if it’s been canceled…
Bring back new content
I absolutely love this show and have told so many people about how funny it is! However, it’s super annoying that you have just been playing re-releases for months now. If people wanted to hear the same episodes they can go back and listen to them. Please get some new content and I will come back and listen
F smartless
I love this show and usually laugh quite a bit but with all the rereleases it’s really annoying and think it would be better to wait until you have new episodes to air and I bet a lot of people would agree with that too. I’ll check back for when new content has arrived but not until then.
Stop the rereleases
Literally favorite podcast but the rereleases are making me write this review and give it this rating. And what happened to speed dates? Are those gone too with the show?
I love this show but don’t understand why we have so many rereleases. I rather it take a hiatus and come back with new content.
No new episodes
They haven't made any new episodes in almost 2 months with no explanation as to why. Their past episodes were great and it's super disappointing to be let down by the show.
Love the show
Thanks for making me laugh! Love your guest
Favorite comedy podcast
The guests stories are hilarious and Jameel is such a relatable host. I look forward to new episodes every week.
👎🏼 for reposting content
Absolutely LOVE, this podcast, but really dislike the fact that they re-release episodes… it’s a letdown every Monday. I can just go back in time and re-listen . Sad they don’t have more content.
Good for a laugh
Even if the stories are embellished, I’m not looking for accuracy, I’m looking for a laugh! And thank goodness I’ve not had dates like this.
snerkball in MA
I listen to this every single day on my way to work. It brings laughter and light heartedness to my days!!
Best dating advice!!
I love this podcast!! It gives so much insight into great conversation topics for a relationship or a budding relationship to help avoid those bad dates!!
Podcast junkie87
Chicken soup for the single soul
Bad dates.. good listening. Bless you Jameela !
Another laki-laki
Too much interruption and talking over guests
Love the concept and really enjoyed the first few episodes but by my 10th listen I suddenly exclaimed aloud “stop interrupting the guest”!!! Please let someone get through a few sentences before interjecting with your own story or too many questions. 😅 All the stories are so entertaining and these are funny people, let them be funny.
Omg I wish there was more episodes! And I need to write in one of these days.
So good
I loveee Jameela! I look forward to listening every week :)
Bad Hook Ups
Bad Hook Ups is a more apt title. Stories are primarily about bad sexcapades with hook ups.
Miss Kittyyyyy
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