Back To Back Films Podcast

Back To Back Films

Back To Back Films Podcast
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Everything you never knew, you wanted to know... about movies.
Post Credits 01 - Joker and Parasite
We're back for a "post credits" episode! To keep it simple - it's a freeform talk about Joker, Parasite, and a few other things we've watched since the BTB Finale episode. We've been feeling the urge to talk movies and what better way than with our listeners! These episodes won't be released on any consistent basis but you can definitely expect some more content in the future. Thanks for listening! Song:  Cheetah
Dec 11, 2019
1 hr 55 min
100 The Finale
100 EPISODES!!! WOOHOOO! To celebrate, we're giving you something brand new. Not one film. Not TWO films. But THREE FILMS! That's right, we chat about three films in this episode. Each film was handpicked for each host by the two other hosts. For Keith, we dove into the perpetual night with the 1998 science fiction film "Dark City". For Byron, we got crafty with the 2009 indie-darling, fantasy film "Ink". For Jacob, we took a mostly-accurate history lesson with the 2006 epic, adventure film "Apocalypto". We have loved every minute of this podcast and appreciate all of our listeners and guests we've had on the show. And frankly, we were and still are surprised to see how many regular listeners we have -- thank you all! I do, however, have some unfortunate news that turns this celebration bittersweet. I am sad to announce that we have decided to stop producing future episodes of the show. This podcast has been an incredible experience for the three of us, and we have bonded over the past two years, creating a lasting friendship that we will take to the grave. During this show we had so many momentous events: Keith began his career as a video contractor & became certified to fly a drone. He made a film for Western Washington University Veteran Services, and continues to write scripts. Recently he became the director of marketing for a national Whatcom-based graphics company.  Byron created his most divisive film yet, titled "Clipping the Wings of an Angel". It premiered at Bleedingham and led to many industry professionals contacting him about future work. If you watch his cinematography reel, you'd be impressed.  Jacob got married to his lovely wife Tiffany. He moved homes a whopping 5 times during this podcast. His film "The Game of Kubb" won the overall audience award at the 48 Hour Film Project Seattle. Jacob continues freelance video editing work in Seattle. Jacob also promises that his other podcast "Cinema Therapy" is still being worked on and will be finished. It is the end of an era for us. Although we have stopped recording weekly, we may return for legacy episodes in the future. Thank you all for everything. Cheers!
Jul 8, 2019
2 hr 54 min
99 Jordan Peele - Get Out and Us
Is Us a racial commentary film like Get Out? We discuss that and more on this week's episode. 
Jun 21, 2019
1 hr 38 min
98 Happy Hour! High Life, Spielberg vs Netflix, New Batman.
We discuss Claire Denis' new film starring Pattinson. Also Spielberg vs Netlflix and the new Batman. No pitch this week.
Jun 5, 2019
1 hr 7 min
97 Long Take 2.0 We've Come Full Circle
We take a look at the recovered Russian propaganda film "I Am Cuba" and the Antonioni film "The Passenger". We discuss how these films revolutionized the long take and theorized about I Am Cuba's influence on Terrance Malick coming out of his hiatus. As always, we pitch a film at the end of the episode. This week it's films with a long take. 
May 17, 2019
2 hr 2 min
96 Floor By Floor Action - Dredd and The Raid
How much character do you actually need in a movie? Why is linear action more interesting? On this episode we discuss vertical action films, which are films where characters are traveling up or down towards a goal. The two films are the totally underrated remake of Dredd and the Indonesian action thriller The Raid. As always, we pitch a film at the end of the episode. This week it's action films with Linear Action. 
May 13, 2019
1 hr 52 min
95 Yorgos Lanthimos - The Lobster & The Killing of a Sacred Deer
We discuss Yorgos Lanthimos' strategies with disruptive characters and the fascinating production histories of these two films. We also get sidetracked and talk about Hitchcock, the Leftovers, and more. As always we pitch a film at the end of the episode, this week it's films with "Characters that disrupt".
Apr 24, 2019
1 hr 37 min
94 Yorgos Lanthimos - Alps & Dogtooth
We discuss the bizarre, surreal, and uncanny through the lens of Academy Award Nominee Yorgos Lanthimos and his films. For this episode, it's his critically acclaimed slice of life film Dogtooth and his experimental follow-up Alps. As always we pitch a film at the end of the episode, this week it's films with "Social Isolated Characters".
Apr 15, 2019
1 hr 24 min
93 Happy Hour! Climax
We gush over Gaspar Noe's new cinematic, nightmare, dance film Climax and discuss the techniques used in the film. We chat about recent news and trailers including Tarantino's new film. We also throw out some newer films to watch.  As always, at the end of the episode we each pitch a film and vote on who's is best, this week it's Dance Films.
Apr 7, 2019
1 hr 36 min
92 Tokyo Story & Still Walking with Ian Coleman
Special guest Ian Coleman joins us as we talk about Japanese live action filmmaking.
Apr 2, 2019
1 hr 32 min
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