B-Movie Bros
B-Movie Bros
B-Movie Bros
via Podcasts
The Day Time Ended
The only thing worse than this movie is the extreme, uneven volume levels of this podcast episode. 😉 Unfortunate. 🙁
Short but drunk
B-Movie Bros typically review a film in 15 minutes or less because they only give you the important stuff: 1) what's good about the film; 2) what's bad about the film; 3) what's quotable about the film; and 4) how many shots it takes to get through the entire film. Fun podcast with a great hook.
Great Time
What a fun podcast! They dig into movies other people overlook. They have great insights and funny things to say. It's a favorite podcast.
Fun podcast
Entertaining podcast. I enjoyed the drawing flies episode hope you guys can do a full length episode for drawing flies.
Straight to the Point
What a cool podcast that can breakdown a movie in a matter of minutes. Interesting points of view and a mix of comedy in between.