The Alison Show
The Alison Show
Alison Faulkner
Ep. 176: Inner world vs Outer world! What world are we living in?!
38 minutes Posted Apr 21, 2023 at 2:33 pm.
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No matter WHAT happens in this crazy world, we have access to our inner world! It can be a place of peace or panic. It can be somewhere we retreat and hide or a place of comfort! It can both or all or none! So the question is: what’s your inner world like? How are you doing IN THERE?! And also what does this even mean?! Eric and I are exploring this idea, what it means to us, and why cultivating a rich inner world actually makes the whole world better! We’ve got 6 actionable ideas and a whole lotta love!
Eric's closing song is from his new podcast "The Men Who Love God" which you can listen to or watch here!