Awaken Your Glow Podcast

Awaken Your Glow

Katie Harrison
Primal Health Coach Katie Harrison helps you awaken your glow, transform your health and live your very best life.
Resolutions: You Get to Choose
As 2023 draws to an end, this podcast explores the concept of New Years Resolutions: the good, the bad and the ugly. Just kidding! There is no such thing as good/bad/ugly. ;) Just like there is no such thing as the future, which is where resolutions supposedly reside.
Dec 28, 2023
Body Image- You Get to Choose
How would you define your body image? Is you self-talk full of judgments and comparisons? Are you open to creating a more joyful body image, in this Now? Join Katie as she elaborates on her inner being’s statement that body image is a simply a mind creation- which can be uncreated and recreated in joy and love. If you are curious about connecting to your own inner being, you can find more information at .
Dec 5, 2023
What's Your Story?
Have you ever considered that the stories you tell and the evidence you collect create your unique version of reality? Are you ready to expand your awareness, shake off you muddy boots and rise above (rather than entangling in) old stories to transform your life experience?
Oct 26, 2023
Releasing Judgment
This episode begins with an awareness about how the mind can use judgement of good or bad as a (very ineffective) attempt to release judgement and attain freedom. However, the act of judgement creates more judgement, so true freedom can only be realized by releasing ALL judgement. (At least, that’s what I’m feeling in this now!) Note: the author of “The Four Agreements” is Don Miguel Ruiz. :)
Oct 8, 2023
Releasing Fears about Wasting or Not Enjoying Food
Welcome to another brilliant listener question, which explores the common belief and practice that it is “better” to eat past the point of comfort than waste food. What an interesting topic to feel into! Your questions and comments are so wonderful; please keep them coming by emailing [email protected] .
Sep 11, 2023
Judging What Feels Joyful
This podcast was created from a listener question: “What if what feels joyful is eating brownies and Cheetos and watching Netflix?” The traditional health and fitness world might address this question a different way, for example, “It takes willpower and hard work to change behaviors and get healthy!”This podcast answers this question with the philosophy of Presence Power, in a way that might surprise your mind, but could be exactly what your soul desires.
Sep 5, 2023
To Plan or Not to Plan
If you wondering about starting a health plan, have you considered how you know which plan is “right”? This podcast provides the space to tune in and question yourself, the expert on YOUR body.
Aug 25, 2023
Beauty and Food
In this podcast I share reflections on my experiences and observations in Portugal. I think I use the word “beautiful” approximately 99 times! ;)
Jul 24, 2023
Can You Accept What Is?
Are you resisting what is? Are you trying to get to a future health goal by painfully resisting what is here now? Are you open to being the vision of radiant health in a new way? Acceptance is where it’s at! If you don’t know what that means, or how to accept, this podcast is for YOU!
Jun 16, 2023
Awareness and Hello Again!
Hello friends! I’m so excited to catch up and share my truth regarding radiant health and awareness. I would love to hear from you: email katie@awakenyourglow with any questions! Also check out the Awaken Your Truth podcast, which I cohost with the fabulous Ginny Gane.
Jun 12, 2023
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