Previously we introduced you to the life of a perfect student in high school, now we’re introducing you to the life of a perfect student in college. Here we interview her on the things that really matter like choosing the best professors, paying for supplies and materials, studying abroad and more! How living on campus is different from living at home and tips to get you through it. ** Warning: Sravya sings **
May 11, 2021
42 min

After a chaotic year of the pandemic, we just wanted to relax and take a break from all the news and school. So we decided to take a chill day to ask each other some fun and interesting questions to know more about ourselves and others. So sit down, relax and answer the questions along with us!
Mar 26, 2021
45 min

After going through our first quarter/semester of college, we wanted to reflect on what we learned, what we wished we would have done better, and our goals for the upcoming year. We also go over tips on what you should do and how to handle online classes.
Jan 12, 2021
43 min

Have you ever wondered what’s going on inside the perfect student’s head? Well we interviewed a perfect student to understand exactly how they think and how we can all become a better student. We discuss clubs, resources, maintaining mental health, and regrets. Here’s the Christmas playlist:
Jan 5, 2021
41 min

Hey y’all Happy New Year!!! Sorry for the long break we all had finals to prepare for, but we’re back for a great new year. We actually made this podcast to help everyone prepare for finals and let you know what study techniques work for us. Hope these tips help you for the upcoming semester/quarter/trimester. Here’s a study playlist we reference in the podcast:
Jan 5, 2021
42 min

Today we wanted to talk about the influence of our Indian culture and American culture on our lives and perceptions. As well as analyze the stereotypes we have been through or recognized. We compare and contrast the two cultures and reflect on the good and not so good parts of each culture in addition to how we struggled to balance both cultures.
Nov 1, 2020
1 hr

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Have you ever felt some kind of way but never knew the word? In this podcast we go over some common emotions that we never knew the word for. This was inspired by a psychology video we watched and we just wanted to share our thoughts and opinions about it. We didn’t cover all 12 emotions, just the ones that applied to us, so if you want to read more you can go here:
Nov 1, 2020
42 min

In this talk we got serious about a real problem many of us face: imposter syndrome. People of all ages, ethnicity, etc face this at least once in their life and we wanted to share how we got this feeling of inadequacy. As well as share how we healed and what we learned about ourselves through the process. Here are some resources that we mentioned:
Oct 22, 2020
42 min

Join us for reminiscing about the high school days or get to learn what high school really is like. Expectations vs Reality for cliques, people, college apps, people’s perceptions of you, and your own perception of yourself. We talk about how our first thoughts of high school differed from what we learned by the end of our senior year. Come and listen to how dumb we were as freshman, college apps, our club experiences and ALL THE FIRE ALARMS!
Oct 10, 2020
34 min

Hello World! We are Sravya, Harshitha, and Harshita known together as the Avocado Gang. We’re just 3 college girls talking about whatever interests us such as high school and college experiences, romance, downtown power walking, and the real stuff we face. We want you to be a part of our conversation to laugh, feel, cry, learn, and enjoy with us.
Oct 2, 2020
14 min