Average Joe Nation Podcast

Average Joe Nation

Damon Gilbert
Join Damon Gilbert as he shares his insights of todays wacky world with an "average joe" eye.
Briefing 288- -I'm Back, I'm Mad As Hell, And I'm Not Going To Take This Anymore
Howard Beale said it best in the 1976 satirical film about the decaying values of America and American television. I return to the airways and hope that you and I can turn over a rock or two to see the underbelly of politics and the human condition. We start today discussing why a second Trump presidency is a long shot and what the Shadow Government will do to stop his return.
Nov 30, 2023
52 min
DOJ Declares War On American Voters/The Next Pandemic Is Near
The following is not for the faint of heart. We are under attack. The American citizen has had war declared on them by their own Department Of Justice. We as a country are at the edge of a fall that could take generations to recover from. The "thought police" will become a institution in these United States and we will be powerless to resist. If Donald J. Trump is convicted by this "deep State" cabal we are in for a hard landing. Have you ever seen the movie Hunger Games? We may soon be living it.
Aug 2, 2023
51 min
Feckless, Clueless, American Government, Is The Worst At Everything
Why am I surprised? Anyone reading this knows that the federal government is horrible at everything they do. Why do we accept that as the norm? Because we have become habituated to the fact that morons are in charge at the highest levels. May God have mercy on our souls. LOL
Jul 27, 2023
50 min
Biden True Believers Are Dangerous. Be Careful And Watch Your Back
Cult member's are a strange group. They can be convinced of almost anything and I believe we are seeing that in the dismal support that Joey Biden, our appointed surrogate, is garnering in his 36% support after 910 days in office. The Biden Crime Family has been involved in a multitude of provable crime and yet Joey can still count on a segment of society supporting him. Amazing. He currently has the second worst support in American history. Are you surprised?
Jul 25, 2023
55 min
Cocaine In The White House, Sound Of Freedom, Gavin Newsom Will Be Your Next President
I need some time on the couch. This week has been a mess of distraction and in your face hypocrisy the likes I have never seen. Turn on the meter and let me vent.
Jul 14, 2023
48 min
Stop Pretending You Don't Know Who Left The "Blow" In The White House
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, sounds like a duck, then it is probably Hunter Biden. Imagine having to cover for this degenerate. It is a good thing he knows were all the bodies are buried or his butt would be hung out to dry. Sweetheart deal by prosecutors will be negated if this proves to be the "black sheep" of the family, but don't hold your breath.
Jul 6, 2023
10 min
Briefing 281-OceanGate And Why I Believe Nothing That Is Being Reported-The News Story That Will Change The World Is Being Ignored-Hunter Biden Slap On The Wrist Is Proof Positive There Is At Least A
While I was consumed by the story of the missing submersible Titan I had in the back of my mind a healthy skepticism of the story as a whole.  Was this a distraction to satisfy us for 96 hours?  It certainly worked.  Then we learn that they were fairly confident that the mission had failed on a catastrophic level but chose not to inform the public.  Call me wacky but I call BS.  Oh, and I forgot.  Hunter Biden is a degenerate being protected by his clueless daddy.  
Jun 23, 2023
46 min
Briefing 280-My Unabashed, Unapologetic, Support Of Donald J. Trump. To Be Anything Else Is Self Destructive At This Point.
At the end of the day, when all is said and done, Donald Trump is our only salvation to the mess we are in. If you think the likes of Uniparty members like Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or Mike Pence are the answer? Then please move along, nothing here for you to see. The Deep State is at the helm and we are ,by reason of insanity, being driven into a mountain at breakneck speed. DJT is the only thing preventing the US from becoming China 2.0. We are at a crossroads in America and if the evil triumphs our Republic will fall.
Jun 15, 2023
44 min
Briefing 279-Trump Indicted. The Left Celebrates. Trump Approval Soars.
If anyone can run a country from a jail cell it is Donald J. Trump. Think of him as the classical drug cartel leader running his empire from jail. Now will it get to that point. Doubt it. But if he is in a cell in November of 2024 yours truly is voting for him. You can say I am drinking the “Kool Aid” all you want. But I know a bull shite story when I hear it. I also know what a country looks like when it is circling the drain. We are in a shit storm and we need to know which way the wind is blowing. Also, nuclear waste and nuclear power are making a comeback.
Jun 13, 2023
47 min
Briefing 278-Bud Lite CEO Tries To Make A Case To Shareholders-Kim Gardner Is History In St. Louis..Kind Of-St. Louis Cardinals On Losing Streak Are Booed. That's A Shame
How could you be so arrogant and stupid to claim a 26% drop in sales of your premier selling product is the result of "disinformation?" The CEO of Inbev AB had the audacity to claim that it was just "one" can and not a marketing campaign. Really? You have admitted that it was a multi million dollar attempt to reband and attract more "inclusive" customers. This comes from the horse mouth of the VP in charge. Nice try but we "average" Americans ain't buying it or your beer.
May 5, 2023
42 min
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