Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast Podcast
Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast
Film Geek Radio
Episode #7: A Little Reflection - episode of Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast podcast

Episode #7: A Little Reflection

1 hour 9 minutes Posted Aug 9, 2013 at 3:49 pm.
Intro and clip
General thoughts
Deb and Ellway
Quinn and the promotion
Thoughts on the opening credits of the show
Masuka and his daughter
Cassie's new guy
Harrison murders the remote
Cliffhanger with Hannah
Zach Hamilton as "intern"
Deb and Dex's communication issues
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Show notes
This show just can't seem to make up its mind as to whether to be awful or fantastic. In this episode, Andrew and Charlie discuss the extent to which "A Little Reflection" redeems the last two episodes. Does the Quinn storyline finally pay off? What's up with that cliffhanger? And if Dexter becomes like Harry, is that good or bad? Tune in to find out.
DON'T FORGET: You can contact the show by emailing [email protected]. Thanks for listening!