Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast Podcast
Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast
Film Geek Radio
Episode #6: This Little Piggy - episode of Avenging Angels: A Dexter Podcast podcast

Episode #6: This Little Piggy

44 minutes Posted Aug 3, 2013 at 10:50 pm.
Intro, feedback and clip
General thoughts
Vogel as exposition machine
Is Yates the Brain Surgeon?
Final scene
Quinn's fight for a promoti0n
Vogel's manipulation of Yates
Masuka and his daughter
Deb and Dexter make up, lake of subtlety
Deb loves Vogel now; the decision that killed the season?
Is this the direction the show should go?
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Show notes
In this episode, Andrew and Charlie discuss whether "This Little Piggy" sets the season back in a satisfying direction, or if it's cause for greater concern. Is the opening group therapy scene a compelling one? Does it even matter at this point if Yates is the Brain Surgeon? What's the single creative decision that could ultimately doom the season and the series as a whole? Tune in to find out.
DON'T FORGET: You can contact the show by emailing [email protected]. Thanks for listening!