Autism Possible: Be your own special education advocate, use tech to simplify and empower your life.
Autism Possible: Be your own special education advocate, use tech to simplify and empower your life.
Dr. Teresa Vasquez
Autism Possible: Be your own special education advocate, use tech to simplify and empower your life.
Dr. Teresa Vasquez
AUTISM POSSIBLE will help you Embrace Your Mission to support your autistic superhero and get passionate about life! Join us with a cup of your favorite beverage to get a little honesty, a pinch of humor, and a whole lot of spice. Each week, your host Dr. Teresa Vasquez tackles topics related to Autism Spectrum Disorders, special education advocacy, tech integration and home domotics, and the empowerment of families. She also offers tech tips you can put to use today. A good life with Autism? Possible! Some popular show topics include iPad/iOS devices; IDEA, 2004; and simplified life with tech. Visit to learn more.
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7 years ago
April 12, 2017
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