Authentic Sex with Juliet Allen
Authentic Sex with Juliet Allen
Juliet Allen | Sexologist
via Podcasts
Binge listening
This podcast is a breath of fresh air… I can’t stop listening lol my man has been listening with me and enjoys it just as much as I do. both are learning so much together.. Thank you 🥰
Regina Maria Maria
Best podcast out there
My favorite podcast ever hands down. Juliet Allen is a wealth of knowledge and has been sharing free content for YEARS it’s truly such a gift to the world. I appreciate Juliet’s passion to break taboos around sex and how to have healthy relationships by having raw, honest, fun conversations. Her guests are amazing. I’m so grateful that my partner introduced me to this podcast early in our relationship. I know I’ve been able to open up so much more in this partnership because I’ve had Juliet as a guide!
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This podcast has completely transformed my relationship to self, intimacy, and sexual health. I can’t believe I didn’t have this knowledge at hand when I was growing up, and I recommend this podcast to anyone who wants a more sacred connection to sex. 10/10. absolutely in love with Juliet and her amazing guests that share their expertise!
This season is more of a parenting podcast
I loved all the previous seasons, but this season feels more about navigating being a parent. As someone who doesn’t want children, this doesn’t speak to me, so unfortunately I’m not going to continue the season.
I like her voice
I like her voice but hearing mmm after pretty much every sentence got old quick. I listened too an older episode for 8 minutes and the most recent episode for 8 minutes and I can’t listen to her say mmm anymore
One of my favorite podcasts!
I Love Juliet and her compassionate, honest, supportive approach to life, sex, relationships. She exudes a truly loving energy that’s doesn’t seem superior - just truly loving, compassionate, open. I also LOVE the Q&A episodes w/ Nick! So insightful and helpful.
healing a broken relationship
SO GOOD! this episode was on point, made sense and made me think it’s okay if we’re not meant to be romantically in a relationship, but we meet people for a reason. thank you Juliet for being such a light ✨
Mmmm no
I was interested in listening to this podcast but I couldn’t last 5 minutes with all the “mmmm” sounds. It’s too much for me.
Mmmm is annoying
Not a fan. The titles and topics pulled me in but the voice and mmmmm responses are annoying. (Speed it up to 1 1/2 to help) For having been with women and in a relationship with a woman and supposed educational background I am surprised at the lack of and dismissive responses, especially when it comes to LGBTQ issues. Maybe I need to suffer through a few more...but after 5 random ones..and a few specific choices..I think it’s an accurate review from my educational (women and gender) and queer POV.
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Great Content
I love this podcast. Juliet is so straightforward and authentic. Easy to listen to and great subject matter.
Thank you! So enjoying listening to the intimate details discussed on this podcast and the open conversation about sex. Great advice!
I mail
Not impressed
Maybe I’m a snob, being in the field; however, this podcast is proof that anyone could have a podcast. The host’s moaning throughout is awful. A simple, “yes” or “right” or even an, “uh-huh” would suffice.
Favorite Podcast!!!
This podcast is so well made and nice to listen to. I can listen to it while I run or while I lie in bed, and get the best most intimate information about sex, intimacy and relationships. Thank you Juliet for creating such an open and sex-positive space!!!
Juliet gets right to the heart of RELATABLE issues
The thing I love most about this podcast is that Juliet gets right to the heart of issues that are SO relatable to all of us. The specificity of her topics and the skill with which she discusses them are great. So if you are looking for a high quality conversation about all things sex - you found it.
Great Content
Love the way you talk about all of this things. Thanks 👏🏾
Source if inspiration
After losing my sense of self through a relationship and wondering how to get myself back on top she has been a source of inspiration. What. A. Woman.
Incredibly Refreshing
Prime example of a woman who is proud of her sexuality, in her feminine power, smart, honest/authentic (as the title suggests), and very cool. She teacher others to be able to do/be those great qualities too.
Pretty Good
For the most part, I really enjoy this podcast and find many of the episodes chock-full of wise and useful information. The only problem I've had so far, in listening to many episodes, is the spiritual elitism that somehow creeps in. I was really turned off in one episode in particular where there was a lot of really pompous talk about how disgusting it is when someone eats McDonald's, what a turnoff that is in terms of date-ability. I have to tell you, as an active member of a couple of 12-Step programs, some of the finest, loveliest, most spiritually grounded and spiritually mature people I know puff cigarettes, drink loads of coffee, and eat f'ing donuts and McDonalds. I myself do not do these things, and I do not argue that abstinence from these sort of vices is arguably healthier for individuals and certainly for the planet. I also honor people who do not want to date or marry people who smoke, eat meat, etc. But this idea that people are more spiritually advanced if they don't do these things is really tired, and actually what turns a lot of mainstream people off to the spiritual life. Nobody wants to be patronized or condescended to. But! Other than that the sex talk is very juicy and I like the podcast!
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Most amazing insights ever- relevant and timely
I just listened to “Birth is a Sexual Experience” and had my mind blown- several times. This information MUST become mainstream if we are to do the deep regenerative healing we need to do as a culture. It begins with the birth cycle.
Kanna A
An Absolute Worthy Listen...
Juliet’s podcast has been incredibly valuable to me. It’s a resource for practical information in regards to sexuality and womanhood. I’m a huge fan of this podcast because it truly is authentic, relatable, and highly thought provoking. Thank you so much, Juliet!
Best Podcast!
I was struggling to get into podcasts, a friend showed me this one and I have been binging it since! So informative and reflective for understanding our relationships better, and so many new interesting topics that I didn’t know about. My partner and I listened to it and have been creating much more passionate love making.This podcast has changed my life, 10/10 recommended for women or couples!
Love love love
This podcast is wonderful and talks about all things female. So empowering and full of important knowledge. Thank you so much Juliet
Life Changing
Juliet and her guests have introduced ideas that have changed the way I do life and sex, and the way I view & feel myself and my femininity. By far my favorite podcast.
Anybody else annoyed by the constant moaning (mmmmmmmmmm) in response to every statement made....drives me nuts. Can’t listen anymore
Just discovered this podcast, Ep: 5 secrets of sexually empowered women, and am blown away. This is very timely for me after my divorce, re-discovering my sexuality and feminity. Thank you for helping women to empower themselves and being a beacon of light in our prudish society.
Beautiful podcast
Juliet is authentic and genuinely cares about sexual education and normalizing, and slashing myths, stigmas, and shame. I love her and this podcast and know everyone can benefit from listening to this! ❤️
so very thankful for this podcast! topics that are extremely empowering. topics that are different, that not many people know about! the knowledge and wisdom shared is so applicable powerful powerful content and so enjoyable to listen to ✨
Beyond grateful
Every time I listen to this podcast, no matter the episode. I feel inspired, refreshed, better able to love, and hold space for myself and others. Thank you so much for doing this work and sharing with the world.
My life has changed because of Juliet Allen
I love Juliet Allen and the guest she features on her shows. Since I have started listening to Juliet Allen in the beginning of the year, I feel so much connected with my partner. Because she opened the idea of being authetic with your partner in not only sex but in your overall relationship, I have learned to build a better and authentic relationship with my partner by being vunverable. Her most recent podcast with Zoe Bosco made me fall in love with Authentic Sex with Juliet Allen! Although it is not so much about sex, it indirectly correlates with sex. This is my favorite episode thus far. I love how Zoe talks about how to be present and truely magnetize wealth by changing our mindsets with ideas of fiancial empowerment and how we can indentify our subconcious that is limiting ourselves. It is true that when I worry about money, my libido goes down as well my overall confidence. Keep up the good work, Juliet!
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So helpful
Love everything Juliet offers from a connected, spiritual perspective when it comes to sex. Very grateful for all the wisdom she shares.
Fashion marketing is great
Empowered Goddess
Cheers to a woman so tapped in to her intuitive power that she can empower other women & men to embrace the God and the Goddess energy flowing within each of us and through all of life. Discovering mysteries of sexual liberation, healing and expanded awareness- I enjoy a dose of Juliet whenever i feel the need to connect with the Divine Feminine girlfriend energy. Thanks for educating me, entertaining me and expanding my heart mind body and soul! Beautiful! Radiant! AMAZING! - Jade Golden
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Jade Golden
Not all about sex...
Juliet covers a huge range of topics. After listening to just about every single one, I’ve realized that communication, love and relationship underlie each topic. Yes you’ll learn about sexual practices, fetishes, taboos, etc but more importantly you’ll learn how to communicate your desires with your partner and improve your relationship. She also interviews colleagues so more interesting topics! As she always says jump on over to her website to learn more and sign up for her podcast here!!
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Getting to know myself
This podcast has helped me feel less of a stranger in my own body. Thank you Juliet. Slowly I will work my way to letting myself and others in sexually & emotionally❤️
Giselle M909
Listen to this and take a deep breath
I wish everyone was this clear, open minded, and empowered with their sexuality. The world would be so much healthier, and children wouldn’t be so traumatized by repressive thinking. In terms of the podcast, it’s well done, clear, concise, and ethical. I really appreciate this work! Cheers.
5 min of listening and I’m hooked!
She is so spot on with what I’m feeling sexually and I truly believe her podcast is going to help me become confident & empowered when it comes to sex. Thank you for being you.
Swallowing sound
This is going to sound stupid, but its something that legitimately effects the quality of the podcast for me. I love the information I get from this podcast but have a really hard time listening to how loud she swallows. I’m assuming she keeps taking drinks of something, which I understand and clearly that is needed when someone is talking for a while. It just makes the podcast unbearable for me. I wish it didn’t, I just can’t help it 😕. The content however is good and I try to power through because I want to continue listening. But I can only maybe listen to 15 min before I have to stop because the sound effects me too much.
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Thank you!
In just a few episodes, you've given me a beginning of understanding about presence - something my wife has been trying to articulate for a while now. I'm looking forward to making my way through the back-catalogue of your work. Thanks again.
Thank you for Changing my Perspective on sex & sexuality
I’m 23 years old and I feel as though a lot of people my age do not think / feel deeper into sex. Before listening to Juliet Allen I was also one of them! Now I catch myself noticing and changing my bad sexual habits; Such as not communicating my sexual needs. Thank you Juliet Allen for validating my need for after-care!! I had never heard of it before or understood my desire for it. I’ve gained enough knowledge on that, among many other things, and am confidently able to voice what I know and what I need/like. Thank you for EMPOWERING me!!!!
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Sex is not Taboo; it’s a Holistic Experience
In Western cultures, sex is taboo. It’s secret, dirty—we don’t talk about it, even though we all do it. Or at least our mom’s did. Juliet Allen opens the door to casual and honest conversations about how we have sex, how we treat sex, and how we treat ourselves. This podcast is for everyone looking to learn more. Whether you have a great sex life or one that you want spicier, listen. It covers holistic topics from self-care and periods to nutrition and supplements all the way to Tantric Sex and fetishes. It’s designed for women, but my male partner listens as I gather from her IG that many male counterparts do! Listen, you’ll find a deeper connection to yourself and your partner(s).
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As raw as it gets!
This woman is AMAZING! She really knows her stuff and isn’t afraid of being real with it. If you’re into sexual exploration of any kind and want to learn more about sex as more than just a physical act, this is your podcast! I love it so much!
refreshingly real
At a time when I am trying to redefine what sex and intimacy is for me, this podcast could not have come to me at a better time. I am so grateful for Juliet's beautiful and articulate words, ideas, and inspiration. I have learned so much about myself and this podcast has been a very helpful piece in my healing and self love journy.
This podcast truly means the world to me. Listening to it has become a form of self compassion. I turn it on when I need help feeling connected to myself and taking care of myself. My favorite time to listen is when I fold clothes and clean my space. Somehow the act of cleaning accompanied by listen to this is incredibly nurturing to me. Juliet is very well-spoken, she cares about what she speaks on and you can hear that in her voice. This doesn’t compromise the practicality of what she shares, however. She always has something to say that serves as functional takeaway.
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Adore this podcast
Juliet has a beautiful and eloquent way of explaining things that makes it very easy to activate your capability to use it in your own relationships and life. Thank you Juliet for sharing your passion and wisdom with us!
Clear, real and educating talks!
I found out Juliet from a friend who I was Couchsurfing with, she was into manifestation and tantra and shared this interest to me. I got caught immediately starting with this topics, but the podcast goes further than that and I highly recommend it if you want to learn more about sexuality, love, relationships and other things you’ll find from a very smart women who is out there speaking out what many of us still have as tabu. Thank you Juliet!
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What you really wished you'd been taught about sex
I have been a fan of Juliet's blog for a while and recently started listening to this podcast. I have gone through many books and websites in search of a sexologist who's voice and perspective resonated with me. Then, boom, Juliet came across my cyber path. She is extremely knowledgeable, but beyond that, I can feel how she holds space for the sacredness of sexuality and the learning process that goes with it. She is open, frank and clear, but her discussions avoid that clinical vibe, and instead speak to the mystical, passionate, heart-based experience that human sexuality is in its deeper levels. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone looking to journey into the depths of themselves and manifest expansion in their sexual self and sexual relationships. I could go on, but I will just say I am so grateful, Juliet, for your work and please know that you are bringing meaningful growth and change to the world by sharing your expertise and experiences.
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Most Authentic Podcast on Sex 💫
I am so glad I found Juliet’s podcast. It’s so smart and honest, and offers advice on anything you can think of—sex-related. I am currently binge-listening to every episode, while I’m home sick. I am learning so much!
Christina Zayas
Making Life Better
First, Thank you Juliet. I really have enjoyed listening to all of your podcasts and have taken your advice to heart on a lot of subjects. As an I continue to mature in life I am at a point where I want and believe being truly authentic with sex. Authentic with myself and with my partners. Not only just with my sex life but absolutely everything I do in life. Again, thank you. I highly recommend all of my friends to listen to your podcasts and encourage them to live in the now and get the most out of life.
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This podcast is everything
I cannot say enough good things about her. Juliet judges no one and nothing in relation to sex.. she is so intelligent, open, and honest. She has seriously changed the way I view sex, which has in turn made me value myself and my sexuality more than I ever did in the past. This woman is seriously advanced, and her subject matter is SO important. I love you Juliet!!!
Life changing
This woman is incredible and has changed my relationship with my lover significantly. We’ve listened to every episode together on road trips and y’all about it afterwards. Everything Juliet talks about is so genuine and truly authentic. Living in America, you never hear anyone talk like this and how important it is to explore your sexuality. Thanks Juliet! You’re changing the world.
What a Woman!!
Thank you Goddess Dear -for having the strength & courage to speak your truth to the World! The subject matter you speak on is yet still pretty touchy & taboo.. Its really fabulous the way you share your Light & knowledge on Sex & Self! THANK YOU XO
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